Chat is back because of popular demand.

We temporarily disabled the featured due to reported abuses and offensive behavior. However, a feature upgrade allowing chat moderators means that we can now appoint trusted members to monitor the chat room.

If you want to chat on, simply choose the "Chat" option at the top of every page on the site or point your web browser to

If you might be interested in volunteering to be a chat moderator, please let us know in your reply to this message.

Like everyone who joins and visits, all chat participants will be expected to adhere to the following policies:

Alopecia World's Terms of Service


Alopecia World's Advertising and Anti-Spam Policy

We truly hope you enjoy chatting publicly in the chat room as well as privately one-on-one.

All the best,

Alopecia World Team

"It's Hair Loss Support At its Best"

Views: 150

Comment by JeffreySF on July 13, 2016 at 12:00am

Thank You!!!


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