I'm a walking talking breathing chia pet! Except a very unpredictable one! You know this hair thing we all have going on sort of represents the spontaneity of life. That might be a too positive for words description, but hey! Today wasn't as hard as other days have been. But things can end and begin so fast! 3 weeks ago I had a full head of hair.. And now I'm rocking an old man comb over with some other hair randomly dispersed.. thank goodness for being an artsy kid, people don't look twice at me for wearing hats all the time. It's funny how I deal with all of this. Does anyone else find it stressful by dealing with people telling you to be less stressed? It's like some weird reverse psychology thing. What gets me is when people think they're the first person to tell it to you too. I know many people are just at a loss of what to say, so I understand, but it still makes me smirk when I get told to relax 24/7. My mom was so funny, she says, Shauna! don't touch it! She must think that one little touch and poof! She's bald! Humour works well for me. Maybe because I try to brush it off to people so they immediately feel comfortable, and not dwell on it. It's a very uncontrollable emotion because sometimes I talk about it as if I'm just saying, ya I have this little cold, and it'll be gone tomorrow.. and other days it's like someone mentions something about hair and I'm Niagara Falls.. I've been debating when I should shave it off.. Because I still have quite a lot of hair, but if it's plan is to fall out, I'd rather beat it to it! At least the profession I'm going into gives you wigs for performances anyways...

Views: 14

Comment by Lori M on October 4, 2010 at 8:49pm
LOL!!!! Mothers take it the hardest! it is so true! They try to figure out why it is happening...I can't be bothered trying to figure that out as life is too short. I just shaved my head finally after two and a bit years of watching the hair slowly fall out. I showed my mom my head and she says "Poor you.... you get all the stuff happening to you".... I said "It could be worse...it could be cancer"..... Dad LOL said "Good for you shaving your head!"

OHhhhh yes the "Try not to Stress" comment..Doesn't that just drive you nuts! I am not strssed about it. It may have started it for me as it happened right after I adopted my daughter from China. I don't believe it is a continuing factor. I am pretty darn sure if i was comatose I would still be bald! There are a lot of stressed full hair headed people out there.


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