First, I am so thankful that I have been connected with Alopecia World. I have so much background information and insights that today, which could have been a little disheartening, turned out to be Just Another Day.

So, I went to a local Hair Spa (I know, I know) that specializes in Reprieve Hair. (smaller filler-type hair systems). I had never seen one. I didn't think I would be a candidate but I wanted to start small and work up. I won't go into long details but the person there couldn't tell I had extensions, couldn't tell the difference between my synthetic extensions and human hair, didn't assess my condition at all...blah blah blah.

Finally, when she realized the extent of my loss (even my bangs are extensions) and presented me with a full wig, lace front human hair, and told me it would be...drum roll folks...
$3,000 for each unit and that it would only last 8 MONTHS, and that I would have to come in monthly for clean/refit/color for another $300 per MONTH.

I laughed and said, "Thank you Alopecia World!" Had I not known how outrageous this was I would have felt downright hopeless. But thanks to everyone here sharing information and empowering one another. Thanks to all of you, I was the one laughing when I left! Well, kind of. I was a little bit pissed at what an ass the woman was. But I got over it real quick-like!

Gracias todos!

Views: 33

Comment by Mary on November 11, 2009 at 11:49am
Thanks for sharing! I'm all for people with hair loss spending whatever they want to on hair replacement if that's what makes them most comfortable, but people who are emotionally upset can be victimized by hard sales tactics, promises and big prices.


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