Or even minute by minute. Haven't posted in a while. I went to the wig specialist, just waiting to hear back from her. I was pretty specific with what I'm looking for, its a little shop and she didn't have much on hand but hopefully we will get something that looks good. Anyone have any wig info to share ? Since I don't really know what I'm doing any advice would be appreciated.
My hair loss is still gettng worse, the dermatologist prescribed a second cream Elidel, I have been using Clobetastol alone, not sure if this is going to make a difference but I am trying. What I am finding is that its making whats left of my hair pretty greasy, scraggly and virtually impossible to perform my combover now and I have resorted to wearing hats until I do get a wig. It seems stupid but it was a pretty rough day going to work with a hat on, I work as a manager in a union environment with about 20 reporting people, within the past year the company instituted a dress code and hats are no longer allowed so it was somewhat uncomfortable for me, I know people were whispering about it for sure, as sometimes they act like children with the "thats not fair" attitude but thankfully I do have support at work and I made it through the day without too much anguish. I joined a gym with my best friend and we hired a personal trainor to whip us into shape, I figure if I can't do anything about my hair I can at least work on myself in a different way. I'm very excited about it, something else to focus on is really helping. I have my moments pretty much daily but I'm working on it. Gotta just live life and enjoy whatever I can.

Views: 10

Comment by Tiffany P on October 23, 2010 at 6:16pm
thats a good idea i myself have decided to try to improve things that are still in my control which mean working out and eating healthy and things like that. anyway hang in there and have a great day :o)
Comment by LeslieAnn Butler on October 26, 2010 at 5:05pm
What is your budget for a wig? Do you want the best hair (European), lace, custom? I have a woman who can get you the most wonderful custom European virgin hair wigs at very good prices. The one I'm wearing is a custom wig from Brenda Kay and it's about 7 years old -- still in beautiful condition. She works with people all over the country.


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