My daughter made a statement the other day.... she looked at a picture of herself and said "me, back when I was pretty".

Lately she has been very moody, very emotional... crying over the tiniest things, like my husband breaking her burrito in half, and she doesnt sleep well at night etc.

As her mother naturally I am thinking she is becomming depressed, or some other emotional problem is occuring that we are unaware of.

She has an appointment with her Dr. tomorrow. I hope all goes well.

This isn't fair. how can this happen to children? Why? She seemed to be doing so well, not wearing her wig to school every day, telling people what she has and not seeming embarrassed about it. I guess there are underlying issues Im not seeing. Or she isnt even realizing. Even after I try to talk with her she has no idea what is bothering her, she says nothing and she doesnt understand.

Well thats that for now, just let me know if your child has shown any signs of this bothering them?? Thank you all for listening!!!

Views: 13

Comment by Tallgirl on May 8, 2009 at 1:09am
Any little thing can present comparisons, expectations, feelings of loss or anger or grieving for the lost body part or loss of status, dreams, etc. Even passing comments, song lyrics, lines from literature on beauty, etc. can suddenly make one doubt herself. Hormones, fears...who knows, on a minute-to-minute basis???
Comment by Tracy on May 8, 2009 at 8:59am
Thanks gfor commenting. She isnt a sad girl, as you can see from pictures. But that comment and the fact that she doesnt sleep, she cries for no reason she has even told me somtiems she cries herself to sleep and doesnt know why. She has had headaches since 2005 on an almost daily baisis. She has tummy aches for the past several months on a daily basis. She was having nosebleeds cooinciding with ehr eadaches for a few months there. All CT's are normal etc etc. So I just dunno what else to think other than depression ya know? her Dr appt got moved to the 14th as I couldnt make it yesterday, so we will see how it goes and for sure I will keep you updated.
Comment by George Ortiz on May 8, 2009 at 8:04pm
Hey there tracy hope this info helps back in chicago where i live theres a holistic estsblishment called the total health institute located in wheaton illinois Dr. Nemic is his name every friday on am1160 at i think 3 oclock he has a show describing his belief for all illnesses,although he is what i would consider to be very expensive and does except some insurance in a back door sort of way through his chiropracty work. Basicaly from what i could muster he believes all deases are through toxicity of the body and through what we injest on a daily basis this toxicisty that we accumilate causes symtoms and then syptoms develope into deases such as aa he has seven steps to healing you should check him out. and if you dont go to him maybe adapt some of his phylosophy which he describes on his cd that hes sends to you for free his phone number is (630) 626-4864 hope this give you another avenue to think about when combating this problem.
Comment by Dielle on May 11, 2009 at 3:19pm
Talking from personal experience going through this at 11 to my now 18 years old, she is definitely depressed. I was the same way a couple of years ago and even now I have my bouts of depression and sadness. Generally there isn't anything in particular that sets these feelings off, but the feelings are generally a sense of unfairness, anger, feeling alone and like nobody could ever understand, feeling like nobody is ever going to think you are beautiful, and lots of times your peers can make you feel like you are a freak just because you don't have any hair. Even on days when I feel like I have finally come to terms with my alopecia I get these feelings, so I can definitely imagine your daughter going through the same kind of things. I am one of those people that internalizes everything and so even though all through my three years of middle school and first semester I didn't talk about any of it with my parents. I finally had a break down and just cried in my parents arms for over three hours. I refused to go and talk with a psychologist or my parents about any of it, and even though they finally knew for certain (they had already pretty much guessed) what was making me act so differently (generally a very happy person) I still wouldn't let them help. I don't know how much your daughter talks to you, but I would ask her if she wants to go talk to sombody that she can tell all of her secrets to that can't tell anyone else unless she wants them to. A professional has a way of pulling things out of you that just comes with their training that parents just don't always know. You could even go with her for the first few sessions if she wants you to, but I would definitely get the idea into her head so you can avoid the kind of breakdown I had. At the very least she will get a good cry out every now and again and get some relief from the feelings she is starting to find. I know that everytime I went I felt an immense weight being lifted, and if my psychologist could get me to talk I am sure someone could get your daughter to want to talk about everything.
Good Luck! message me if you need anything!


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