This morning I was admiring my hair and how well I've managed to disguise the large bald spot on the back of my head by wearing my hair kinda wavy and messy.....when I spotted a new area on the crown of my head. It's about the size of a quarter right now and growing. :( I have been experiencing pain in the site for a while but couldn't figure out why. Now I know that it's related to losing hair. This really stinks! I will have to get really creative to cover this one.
Alopecia is like that, isn't it? The more I've read of other people's blogs, the more I've discovered that it's best not to get too hopeful about regrowth because another spot may be right around the corner.
I experienced my first really awkward AA moments over the last month. When I was first diagnosed in June, I told my close friends. I had also posted something on Facebook to the tune of "my hair's falling out, what in the world?" Well, this week out of the blue, an acquaintance from college who never talks to me puts "How's the hair loss going?" on my FB page. It was just kinda cruel- if she really wanted to know, she could have sent me a private message. I realize that people are sometimes just ignorant, but it really rubbed me wrong. I am not ashamed of AA but I just don't want to air my business to my nearly 1000 friends on FB. If it gets worse, I may change my mind and advocate for alopecia by sharing my story. I'm just not there yet.
I'm going to focus on the positive parts of my life instead of my hair. There are a lot of things that are going right for me, and I can't just look at the parts I don't like. I have great friends. I have a job that is meaningful. I have a loving family. God loves me with or without my hair. Alopecia doesn't affect any of my major organs and isn't life-threatening. There are many things about which I can be thankful.
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