Has anyone else out there tried any 'alternative' therapies &/or supplements that may have helped with their alopecia?

I first started with AA (aged around 40) and it developed into ophiasis form all up the back of my head and around one ear. I went to my doctor who found that I was anaemic so prescribed iron tablets. I was taking three tablets a day and it was yuk! He also suggested vitamin B complex and zinc so I added those to the shopping list!

At the same time I started seeing a local therapist who did some nutricianal tests and, as I also had candida at the time, told me to cut out sugar and yeast from my diet. I also cut out dairy products and felt fantastic! Along side that she practiced kinesiology and reflexology so I had those treatments once a month.

Who knows what is was that helped, but all my hair grew back. I think the therapies may have helped me relax and reduce my stress levels.

The irony is that the therapist moved away, my stress levels increased and the AA came back again, even worse than the first time. I have started all the treatments / supplements again and there is some regrowth but I am still losing it in other patches. It is as though I cannot keep up with it this time. I need to somehow cut out the stress in my life!

Cut and paste this link if you are interested in knowing about kinesiology:

Views: 207

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on March 29, 2011 at 10:03am
I use to do acupuncture and was given Chinese herbal pills. It "worked" for a little bit. I say "worked" because who knows if the treatment was doing it or it was just time that my body decided to let some hair grow. As I have found and everyone will tell you that alopecia is very unpredictable. Im also on vitamin B complex to help take the edge of the stress component. And really isnt that good for you anyways, alopecia or not?? As to alternative therapies and treatments.... if they make you feel better then why not. I just wouldnt hold on to them to make your alopecia better, I would just use them to make you feel better. I know when I do acupuncture, I feel so relaxed and destressed. And that aint so bad.
Good luck and remember you are so much than your hair.
Comment by Noel on March 29, 2011 at 1:32pm
I once tried B complex vitamins too, but I didn't notice any regrowth. Of course, at the time I had also started taking birth control pills. (I do not recommend taking estrogen! It really revved up my AA and I had to start wearing wigs.)
I'm very interested in kinesiology, however. Thanks for posting that link, Anna!


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