Does anyone in Colorado know of a good doctor? I feel like I need to push this lupus thing. The last place I went didn't feel like I needed to worry about it but I still feel like there is something else wrong with me..

Views: 71

Comment by Kim on July 17, 2013 at 1:58pm
Hi Jen. I can't help you with a doctor recommendation but Friend me & maybe we can work something out together. I'm also refusing to give up & just went for a ton of blood tests this morning.. One of them being Lupus.
Comment by Bridget F on July 20, 2013 at 12:16pm

Hi Jen, Sorry to hear about your situation. I've heard more than once that one auto-immune disease leads to another. I have AA and Hashimoto's. I have a great doctor in Asheville, NC and he takes patients from all over the world via skype. His name is Dr. Nikolas Hedberg and he does Functional Medicine, so he actually looks for the root cause of illness and disease unlike most medical doctors. Since working with him, he found that I had active Epstein-Barr virus as well as a parasite. All of my hair is growing back after being on herbs and supplements for several months except for one small spot. Hopefully it's just a stubborn spot and not a new, growing spot. My eyebrow that had fallen out is growing back as well. You can google his name for his website and feel free to message me for more information.


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