Does anyone hair stop falling out for a while then start up again?

ok...I have lost about 50% of my hair since May. Its seems to have stopped in the past month...does this ever happen to anyone, then it start up again and loose the rest of it??

Views: 30

Comment by Melissa Harris on November 17, 2009 at 11:14am
If it stopped, then it should last a while, but it could fall out again in the same areas or other ones. No one knows. Some people on AW go into a remission for years, while others start falling out again within a few months. I wish I had the answer to it just as much as you! I hope that yours lasts for a long time! Just eat well and try not to stress. Also, I think when you manipulate your body, like hormone changes, that can
trigger it again also. This is just my experience with AA, so just remember everyone is different. Wells wishes! :)


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