ok first I would like to say Im sorry if I sound "poor me". Most days Im ok and can adjust to alopecia. But some days like today I just cant figure out what to do. I found another bald spot. My hands are full of my own hair. It is on the front area of my head, along with the rest. Im almost completely bald up front but still have hair in the back. I have to say also that there appears to be some fuzz up front too. Right now as Im getting ready for the day, washing and brushing, Im almost ready to grab a pair of clippers. As my hands shake just typing this. My god, you would think Im use to this!!! I just cant stop that voice in my head that says "what will people think" I have a wig that i barely wear. I wear hats and bandannas now. I just miss my hair....I love my hair. My friends are great and understanding. But what would work think. What would my doctor think. I go for my injections tomorrow. Ok done with this thinking. Hopefully this will be a positive, Im looking at getting a tattoo on the back of my neck. As a reminder that at moments like these that Im more than this. Simply put that tattoo is going to say "love". Im meeting with the artist today about it.
Ok thank you all for listening and thank you for having this site available
I believe every one of you are beautiful and brave individuals

Views: 7

Comment by Karen Grevious on August 23, 2010 at 10:43pm
The biggest thing is to stop worrying about what everyone else will think. Everyone has some issue or another. Some can be hidden better. Do things in your own time not because of others, but because of how you feel about yourself. We don't change who we are in the inside just because of the drastic change on the outside. People who love you or care about you will always see the person inside no matter what is going on with your hair. The people that don't love you or care about you really don't matter!
Comment by Lisa Santer on August 24, 2010 at 6:39am
Of course, at times, especially as it's changing, you wonder what other people will think. Women especially get trained that we are how we look, and we're supposed to make ourselves appealing. This can be a chance to escape a bit of that and be more free and real. It's also a chance to find out how much other people have on their minds besides how you look. And it may be a chance to discover that you have far more choices than you imagined about how to crown your glory. For example, I had no idea how many men find "picture hats" really sexy.


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