Dotty's Inspirational/Motivational Reflection

This is a copy of a poem I wrote about 4 years ago and just wanted to put it out there for anyone who hasn't read it. I just got back from the NAAF conference and I remembered someone saying something about this "thing" and it reminded me of my poem. I literally sat down and wrote this in less than 2 hours. I hope you like it.


Okay world, where do I start?
I guess I'll tell it straight from the heart.
This condition I have started 5 years ago,
Why it picked me, I still don't know.
It may be heredity, it may be stress,
All I knew is the doctor could only guess.
There is no cause, or no known cure,
And, you'll lose more hair, that's for sure.
You may lose a little, you may lose it all,
There's no way to know how much will fall.
"This can't be true, this isn't fair,
I am a woman, I need my hair."
This "thing" called Alopecia, didn't stall,
Within three months it took it all.
No scalp hair, eyebrows, or eyelashes now,
I knew I had to accept it....But how?
I felt so alone and I couldn't share,
All I did was cry, I didn't care.
I bought some wigs, they hid it well,
I had Alopecia, but no one could tell.
I tried everything the doctors suggested,
But still, the hair, my body rejected.
Three years later, and still no hair,
And there I was still in despair.
So, then one day I went online,
And there I met these friends of mine.
A support group for Alopecia, how nice,
I can go to them to ask for advice.
I found out that Alopecia doesn't discriminate,
It attacks people from ages one through ninety-eight.
It doesn't care who, or where you are,
Whether in the USA or from afar.
And, whether you're black or white or red,
It'll take your hair right off your head.
You may get it back or maybe not,
Is there anything left that I forgot?
Yes.....Alopecians are beautiful inside and out,
And, people should know what it's all about.
Alopecians are not freaks or not contagious,
That way of thinking is truly outrageous.
I have lost all my hair but not my identity,
My Alopecian friends gave me serenity.
So, give us a chance, and don't make fun,
Alopecians are just like everyone!!!

Views: 14

Comment by Joy on June 29, 2010 at 7:33pm
love that!!!!
Comment by Michelle L on June 30, 2010 at 3:01am
You have a great way with words. This I love so much.


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