Hello Friends,

I am new member on this site. I am suffering from Alopecia Universalis from last 7 years and have tried many treatments like steriods. Initially hair regrow but after reducing the medicine dose it starts falling again. Has anyone know about effective treatment for Alopecia Universalis especially available in india, then plz help me out !!

Views: 180

Comment by Ericka on April 27, 2014 at 5:08pm

Hello Jass:

I can hear your pain and frustration.  I never got positive long lasting results with my injections. That was over 10 years ago. Keep looking for an answer, this is a new age. Until you find a treatment that works do not beat yourself up as if you are a bad person. Stay strong.  

Comment by Jass kaur on May 4, 2014 at 3:23am

thanks aimee and ericka for your comments.

Ya m trying to accept this problem.

Comment by Mukti on December 29, 2014 at 5:00pm


I, too, was always looking and searching for answers. I finally stopped and just started to live life and I slowly saw my hair come back. It took a few years for the hair to stay... I'm not at 100% regrowth but about 75%. I still wear head scraves. There isn't any set solutions for each one of us is different and have to endure and experience what is set upon us. I would suggest to look within...if there is a lot of emotional healing to do, a lot of stress etc take time to address them. Most of all take the time to truly take care of YOU!!!  Meditate and pray!! 

Comment by Jass kaur on December 30, 2014 at 5:29am

okk thanks a lot for your valuable comment..ya now i am looking forward in life with a positive attitude.


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