I have been doing a lot of outreach in the subject of Alopecia Awareness. Well not as much awareness as acceptance. Because that is the hard part. Awareness is easy compared to acceptance. Not only other people accepting your blatant difference but you the alopecian accepting what is happening to your body. Not hating the changes--because that will only poison you. You need the healing salve of acceptance (however reluctantly it may come) to help ease the pain of hairloss. Does that make sense? Yes you have to accept a loss to heal from it. It took me about 3 years to heal, but that was back in 1995. Not too much of an internet back then. So I really felt like the only girl in the world losing my hair. I'm sure that made it harder. Fast forward to present day: I have quite a few alopecia and wig-try-on videos on YouTube, a Weebly site, an AW page, 2 FB pages and 1 FB group dedicated to alopecia, acceptance and embracing if possible. BTW one thing that did help me was the video for Live, Lightning Crashes. It has a bald lady in the video who is beautiful. That video gave me hope. I had nothing else to inspire me. I'm trying to not let that be a reality for alopecians today.
Live-Lightning Crashes