Embarassed to get makeup done for my wedding

I'm getting married in 9 months and don't konw what to do about my makeup. I'm getting my hair done by the place that i get it from, but makeup is a diff story. I can't get past felling embarassed to have someone see me "naked" NO ONE has ever seen me w/o my eyebrows and at least thick eye liner on (not even my fiance). I was going to do my own but I have no idea how to do eye shadow and the that jazz, its my wedding day and I want to look amazing, but I know i'll be mortified having my makeup done, i don't know what to do :(

Views: 147

Comment by Tallgirl on December 29, 2010 at 7:39pm
I had my make-up done at my apartment by a salon crew, where all the gals were getting ready before the carriage wisked me off to the rose garden. For her wedding, my sister had us all go to a make-up salon (Merle N_ _ _ _ _ n) for a private group appointment. One could always pay a wig stylist who also does make-up to come to the church parlor, or ask a relative or trusted friend to do it while you wear a scarf, before changing into the wig. You could go into the salon ahead of time, or to the make-up counter of a fancy store, or have Mary K _ y lady show you how about 20 different times within the 9 months until you get the hang of it to do it yourself. I ask a lot of questions at the free mall demos, and have learned to do my own (see my page).

Question: what will you do every morning and every bath for the rest of your life when your hubby looks lovingly upon the REAL you? Think of camping trips, childbirth, operations...he WILL have to see you without make-up, you know!

Forget the mortified stuff: cosmetologists have to work even on old ladies and people who have been in accidents, so they have seen everything. They get their pride in doing amazing things and transforming people, so they will be kind if you flatter them as they work on you. Interview many to see who you would like as part of your bridal experience. Good luck!
Comment by JeffreySF on December 29, 2010 at 9:48pm
Great Advice TG!
Comment by Angie P on January 4, 2011 at 11:27pm
Congrats on the wedding! And I agree with TallGirl. She summed it up nicely.
Comment by lorraine b. on January 5, 2011 at 4:15pm
thank you but i still feel embarressed no matter what. I was thinking about getting tattooed eyebrows and eyeliner but i'm scared to :(
Comment by Ada on January 6, 2011 at 10:44am
When embarrassment and fears team up, it's the toughest combo to overcome. I think it's OK to feel the way you do, but it would be really great if you found a way to not let it rule you and take attention from your special day. Maybe it would help if you approached whoever will end up doing your make-up as: "This person is kind of like a doctor. She is here to help me and comfort me and put my mind at ease. She is here to make me feel better and on top of the fact that I am beautiful the way I am, she will make me look extra super gorgeous. She is a professional, it is her job and she has seen it all. She will not judge or laugh. She is a friend."
I know these are only words and in the end TG said it all, but empower yourself however you can, try it out ahead of time, so all the memories of your wedding day will have been happy or fun ones. You deserve nothing less.


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