My son first developed AU within 3 months of starting Pre-Kindergarten at our elementary school.  it continued through the 4th grade.  In 5th grade they go to another school and that school had mobile classrooms that were built in 2000.  His hair started coming back and by the time he entered the Middle School for 6th grade he had all of his hair back.  for 6th, 7th, and 8th grades in the middle school he never had a problem.  The middle school was built in 1997. 

Then he entered the high school for 9th grade and within 3 months he started developing spots again.  We home schooled him from January - May.  His hair stopped falling out and started to comeback.  He has recently started the 10th grade at the High School and we are watching to see if it starts falling out again.

Ok, so I do have a point here.  The elementary and high school both were built in the early 60's, both have been detected to have asbestos materials.  They covered them up, but did not remove them.  We have just finished a remodel project at our high school and they are saying all of the asbestos related materials are gone.  So, it will be interesting to us to see if he starts losing his hair again now that he is back in that school.

We just think it is to coincidental and believe the environment he was in had something to do with his hair loss. 

Has anyone else experienced something similar, relating an environment to the issue?



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