eye lashes and the treatment does any1 know if the treatment im goin 2 get is still apropriate

at my last derm appointment the doc said as my aa has got so bad we will start treatment wer i will have somthing put on my scalp to cause an irritation i was wondering if this will stil have a chance of workin as i have waited 6wks to start stil no appointment!! and since i last saw d doc i have lost almost all d hair on my head n now my eye lashes are goin!! my next derm appointment is 5mths away :|

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Comment by Renee on December 20, 2010 at 2:43pm

I guess everyones experience will alopecia is different.  When I was first diagnosed with alopecia, I had a few spots, which lead to  hair on both sides of my head going bald.  My dermatologist uses shots, and Tagament.  It took a while but my hair came back.  Don't know if was because of the shots, or hair vitamins or the shampoo that I used( Organic Root).  A few years later all my hair was gone, including eyebrows and eyelashes.  Stick with your Dr. if he helps you and you feel like he understands your situation.  The Dr that I see now is  impersonal and is quick to get you in and out of his office.  Do your own research.  Alopecia is very iffy.  I now have both my eyebrows back, but only eyelashes on 1 eye.  So I learned to apply false eyelashes.  I also heard the Latice may work for  your eyelashes but the side effects are that it can darken the skin where its applied.                 


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