In August I was admitted into the hospital because my blood pressure was through the roof, while in the hospital my head began to itch uncontrollably in the same spot and I noticed that my hair was shedding all over my pillow. I did not think anything of it and until I noticed that my hair had fallen out in that same spot it was itching in all the way down to the scalp. Since then the hair in the top of my head has started to fall out and it constantly itches. I have never in my life been so depressed and if someone tells me one more time that it is "just hair" I am going to lose it. My husband trys to be understanding and supportive but it does not help. I am afraid and depressed and terrified about what will happen next. I try to fake being happy when I am around my family and friends but it is getting harder and harder to do. Tomorrow is my first appointment with the dermatologist and I am very anxious about what he is going to tell me. People dont realise that it is not "just hair" and it is really painful to lose it. I have cried everyday since I started losing my hair and I will not be seen without a hat or scarf, I even started crying when I took my daughter to get her hair done on Friday. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself but I don't know how to move on, please help....

Views: 49

Comment by Angie P on November 16, 2010 at 12:13am
Hi LaShonda. I'm pretty much a newbie here as well, but one of the most important things I've learned is that each person has their own timeline and process when dealing with their hairloss. I think it's important though to let your feelings out. You don't have to fake anything, especially here. Yell, scream, cry, whatever ... just let it out. Don't let it fester inside of you.

Times like this, when you are really going through something, will truly test who is in your corner. Please don't allow your husband, family and friends to be there for you. They love you. You don't have to fake anything with them.

Try not to be too anxious about your appointment. Let us know how it turns out and if you feel like screaming or crying,we're here.
Comment by Pat Latina on November 16, 2010 at 6:58am
Hi LaShonda. Angie is right on. Don't fake it. Let your emotions out - talk about it - scream about it and if you have to cry do it - I know I shedded lots of tears. You have come to the right place - AW was a life saver for me - it allowed me to vent, hear and listen to others and most of all I WAS NOT ALONE. I thought I was the only one going through the things, but here you'll find encouragement and strength. I have to tell you that it does get better - one day at a time. Your appt. everyone is different - no one knows if our hair will ever grow back, but we have to give ourselves hugs and try to move on the best way possible. Let us know what happens at the drs. Here for you if you want to talk.
Comment by Diana Carter on November 16, 2010 at 1:55pm
Hi LaShonda, I know what you mean...when ppl say, "it's just hair"...I have hated hearing that every time...I know they just don't know what to say, but I just feel like screaming. "it's just MY hair!" It is so much more than "Just hair" isnt it?!!! When that control over our own hair is being taken away from us, it gets much more personal than "just hair". My hair also began to fall out in August, and I was diagnosed in October. Hang in there hon!! Angie is right...allow yourself those feelings. This is a great place to do just that. The support here is great, and we understand what you are feeling. I've been confused, hurt, angry, depressed, and now anxious about the whole thing. But you know what? I am NOT ALONE!!...and neither are you!! This is a place of support, and instant acceptance..embrace that is a gift, and I wouldn't trade for the friendships I have made here. Read all you can, and learn all you can. That has helped me alot! HUGS!!!
Comment by LaShonda Brown on November 18, 2010 at 11:43am
Thank you ladies, your comments really meant a lot to me. Sometimes it's better to hear it from someone that truly knows what you are going through. The dermatologist told me that I don't have alopecia because there is no scarring but she also said that if you have been really sick(like I was in August) that your hair can also become sick and several months after you are well that you hair can continue to fall out because the damage has already been done. Hmmmm, I don't know about that, I think I want a second opinion because all the hair at the crown of my head is gone (less than a inch long) and I have about three other patches that are bald all the way down to the scalp. I just want my hair back... (sigh)
Comment by Angie P on November 18, 2010 at 11:49pm
How did she determine there was no scarring? Did she do a biopsy? It never hurts to have a second opinion, especially if it will ease some of your anxiety since stress affects all kinds of processes within the body.

And remember, if you feel like screaming, just stop on by and let it out. ;)


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