This is not about alopecia as such, apart from: I'm feeling very stressed and upset and I really do believe that although my allopecia was not caused by stressed, it certainly escalated the issue for me.
I have a hard time dealing with stress and often find myself feeling really down and depressed. This is how I feel right now. Although I'm not actually depressed about my hair I hope you all forgive me posting about it here. As I really do not have anyway of expressing these feelings other then typing it all out.
Maybe as well if it helps the stress then I may just keep my eye lashes. :)
A friend of mine really let me down. I told him something in confidence about a muttual friend, an edited version. He has gone and told this muttual friend resulting in that second friend most likely feeling the same upset as I am and the same disappointment. But at me. I wish I could take it all back and say sorry, but I dare not even speak to him about it. He may not even be upset and I'm just beating myself up over my own stupidity.
It's all very complicated and so much more to it then I even dare type here. But I think on some level I really like the guy I blabbed about, was why I was talking about him to begin with. I'm addicted to him I want him to speak to me to notice me, I'm a Sado and now he notices me alright for all the wrong reasons...

Views: 40

Comment by Pat on January 22, 2012 at 10:29am
You've discovered people can and will let you down, it's just a fact of life. Gossip about others usually backfires even if it isn't meant to be hurtful. Use this experience as a good leSson for the future, make amends if you can. Life is always going to be a big learning curve.
Comment by Donna Kooken on February 5, 2012 at 4:41am

Be strong Be honest. No Harm No foul..Just like you have heard treat someone the way you want to be treated. Give people the same respect you expect. Hold your chin up you are worth it. Nothing wrong with having a "poor me day" everyone with Alopecia has one. If they say they don't well I beg to DIFFER. As long as you are honest with yourself and others you will survive.

Comment by KFlame on February 5, 2012 at 4:47am
Yer I learned the lesson the hard way. Spoke to friend hopefully all sorted. I didn't actually gossip per say... But hayho Life is just one big school of learning...
Comment by Pat on February 5, 2012 at 6:54am

Good to hear. All the best...


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