ive been doing great for a while but have noticed i have bn feelin quite low this week and really wish my hair would just come bak over night, ha if only eh
i still have white regrowth altho im happy and hopin its all gonna come bak for gd i hate the fact i gotta wait a very long time for this,
i miss my hair so much and tho everyone thinks im dealin with this well it really still hurts inside and i dont know who to talk to really, i have a friend at work who im gonna try talk to 2moro as she's very understandin, but i have cried a bit 2nite readin about alopecia and i read that if u have very intensive hairloss which i lost mine in 2wks there's less chance in it comin bak, i might get my hair but not all of it, and it makes me sad to think i may never have the hair that i once had,
i think ive dealt with it so well for the 7months ive lost it that its just hittin me now, just feelin sad 2nite!!

Views: 18

Comment by Tallgirl on October 22, 2009 at 10:25pm
Have something mellow to drink, go through your closet and design a new you. Once you realize all the ways to present the rest of your body, the head part may be easier to design until your hair decides what it wants to do. This week, I was blond for conferences and redhead for work! Check out funky hats (winter coming!) and Turkish scarves, too. There are a million ways to look and still be the best parts of YOU!
Comment by Mary on October 22, 2009 at 11:59pm
Hi Lynne. I know how you feel...I've been there. I was just thinking today that it's exactly 2 years since my AA took off at a wild pace and I knew I was going to lose it all. I've been bald since January 08, and I did a lot of crying and raging and hurting. But, for whatever it's worth, I've gotten to a place where I'm okay with it most of the time. I still have some down moments, but I feel so much stronger. Focus on being healthy and, as Tallgirl says, think about ways to make the most of your natural beauty and style. Hang on. It just takes time.
Comment by Robert on October 23, 2009 at 4:32am
Hi Lynne

Sorry to hear that you're having a bad time.

One thing that I've realised with this condition is that everyone is different. You have read that it's less likely for your hair to come back back if it has been an intensive loss... this may be true for some but I bet it's not for all. You will be one of the lucky ones...keep the faith.

You're allowed to be down. You've dealt with this bl**dy well so don't be hard on yourself.

Take care
Comment by lynne on October 23, 2009 at 1:28pm
thank u all for ur kind comments, i know i will get thro it especially with the help of people on here and i was upset again 2day and my friend was great but i wasnt ready to talk so she there for me anytime, i know it'll pass its just a horrible feelin wen ur at a low stage, but thanks again, ur all amazin, xx
Comment by lynne on October 23, 2009 at 3:15pm
thanks aimee, i do exactly the same, i watch women on the bus playin with their hair, my niece wants me to put hers up at times and i just want my hair, maybe one day, if not then i will just deal with it, thanks,
Comment by Mary on October 23, 2009 at 3:32pm
As recently as about 6 months ago, I was still getting upset looking at other women's hair, and I even had to leave one place where I was seated behind a woman with really long full hair - I couldn't stand to stare ahead at it! I still look around at women's hair when I'm in public.

But, things change. Last Saturday night at folk dancing, I took ahold of a friend's waist-length pony-tail and flopped it over the top of my bald head and down my back, and acted like I was stroking my own hair. It got a laugh. I wouldn't have done that a year ago.

Hang in there.
Comment by lynne on October 23, 2009 at 4:36pm
thanks mary, i know its still early days, i was gonna go to a support group in glasgow but didnt go, i have sn on alopecia awareness that they help u set up ur own support group in my area, so gonna look into that, not sure if its for me but maybe helpin others will help me, its just people dont realise how much this affects u and tho i dont show it the never ask, i dont even tell my family how i feel im not very gd at talkin about my feelins, altho its easy on here as its written down,
anyway i hope im better wen i wake up 2moro, thanks again, x
Comment by Kelly on October 23, 2009 at 7:04pm
Hi Lynne. I so know how you are feeling. I was going through some photographs of a cruise I took a couple years ago and got so down looking at photos of me with a full head of long hair blowing freely. I miss being able to just go out without spending considerable time covering my massive spots or putting on a hat or worrying if my spots are showing through. We all go through our down times and there is nothing wrong with saying you are sad about it. I personally find it incredibly helpful to talk about it whether it's with friends, family or a counselor (I have all three). I also so appreciate your comment that "maybe helpin others will help me" cuz that is so true! You were the very first person to leave a comment on my page when I first signed up and that really touched me and I credit people like you on this website with really helping me deal with this. I'm sure I'm not the only one that can say that. Hang in there and know that we completely understand what you are going through.
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on October 23, 2009 at 7:05pm
I'm sorry to hear you've been feeling down Lynn, I've been feeling kind of low myself. I went to the derm yesterday and even though I've had some regrowth he informed me that I'm the most severe case by far of any of his alopecia patients and that most people with as many spots as me "just give up." I'm thinking of gettting a second opinion. I also have high blood pressure and my Dr. wants to put me on meds for that and my triglycerites or whatever are a bit high. I'm only 29 years old and I already have all these health issues. I guess I should look on the bright side my health is good in every other way (knock on wood) It really pisses me off being bald though I F-ing hate it to be honest and I think it blows!
Comment by lynne on October 24, 2009 at 1:40pm
hiya kelly thanks for that message that was very nice of u to say that, ive bn doin the same lookin at photo's seems like a long time ago since i had my hair altho its only been 7months, my friend is a qualified psychologist and counceller so she knows that i am not myself just now, but she is always there for me as im not great at talkin about how i feel, but its great to know she's there, i am so glad i found this site as it really does help on a daily basis, wouldnt have coped so well if i hadnt found this,
so thanks again for ur support, much appreciated, x


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