My name is Jennifer and I've been dealing with AA on my own for about 7 years now. Not because I've had to be on my own but because I've chosen to. I am surrounded by family and friends that love me dearly but as much as they sympathize they can never understand. All my life I had gorgeous, thick, long hair and suddenly after tremendous heartbreak it started falling out (or jumping off)! On December 22, 2001 I found out my dad had cancer and sadly on December 24, 2001 he was gone. A week later a huge patch of my hair was gone too. Dealing with the sudden loss of my father was very hard and emotional for me so I just knew that once I went through my grieving process my hair would come back. I couldn't have been more wrong. Now here I am almost 8 years later and it's not coming back. I still miss my dad but I can no longer hold on to the hope that my hair is coming back. Now at 35 I have to deal with this. I'm so angry at myself and ashamed of myself. How can I be so vain. I know that as a woman hair is really important but why is it so important to me that I can't accept the fact that it's gone? I'm so tired of hearing don't worry your still beautiful. I don't feel beautiful. Why can't I stop wishing that I'll wake up one morning and this hair loss will have just been a bad dream? I would love to have the confidence to go to work one day without my wig and not be embarrased! I'm tired of worrying about my wig blowing off in a strong wind or someone pulling my hair not knowing that it's a wig! The first time I ever put a wig on I felt like Norman Bates seriously! I've always been the comedian of the group and really have approached my hair loss with laughter on the outside, but I think I can be honest here. I hope I can! I've just decided to purchase my first full lace wig that I plan to apply with adhesive for a longer stay since I'm kinda tired of taking the piece off everyday! I'm glad to be here and happy to finally have a place I can truly be me....Bald (fuzzy) and all!

Views: 5

Comment by JeffreySF on April 7, 2009 at 11:35pm
Hi Jennifer,

You have just taken a giant leap forward in your alopecia journey.
Express yourself and all your feelings you'll start to feel much better. I'm sure of it.

Comment by Alexandra on April 8, 2009 at 12:14am
Hi Jennifer!

Now that you're at Alopecia World, I bet you're going to feel your confidence level rise over time. That's what happened to me. When I first joined, I felt just like you feel: unattractive and afraid. Now, I feel hot! Haha! Just kidding, but still - you may not know it now, but there's a confident, happy, and very attractive Jennifer waiting to get out. Don't let alopecia lock her in a steel cage!

Comment by Jennifer Wooldridge on April 9, 2009 at 6:25pm
Thanks for all the comments and your all right! I do feel better now knowing that I'm not alone is a tremendous burden lifted off me! I'm so happy to be here!


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