I decided to cancel my follow up appointment with the doc. I certainly wasn't going to try either of the pills he suggested. Heck that was some nasty stuff. I'd have to get blood tests weekly to monitor my organs. No friggin' way! Then the pepper (capsaicin) cream; I would have to start at 0.025% and work my way up to 0.075% if that was ineffective; and at about $20 a tube. So you know what I did? I went to the grocery store and bought a small $3 tray of the hottest little peppers they had, took the stems off and put them in my food chopper and pureed them. I stored the paste in a small mason jar in the fridge. I try to almost every day, with a gloved hand, smear it on my head. Now get this; I'm putting 100% pepper on my head; it's supposed to burn, right? Well I didn't feel a thing. So I even did a patch on my forehead. Well my forehead burned. So there's nothing wrong with the pepper. But no feeling on my head. At first. After a few days I did start to get a little itching on part of my scalp. Progress? Well, it couldn't hurt to wake up my pores a little.
Okay, I should say that even before I even tried the pepper I had been taking vitamin D for several weeks and after reading a mention in AW about it, decided to boost up from my 1,000 IU up to 6,000 IU a day. And guess what? I noticed I was getting back my (normal, fine, female) facial hair! And I'm getting eyelashes again, sort of. Well left upper, right lower. Weird, but I'll take it. I also have, in the right light, some hair starting on my head. New growth! The weird thing is, I still have about a dozen scattered hairs on the back of my head that are so strong you cant yank them out, I keep shaving them to match the empty. I wonder if someone can explain to me why those few single strands were the only hair I had on my entire body this last year? Why didn't they fall out too? I know, weird.
I'm going to keep up with the vitamin D and maybe go out in the sunshine a little bit every day too. I'll do the pepper thing occasionally too just so that I can wake up my scalp a little.

Views: 6

Comment by Laura M on November 10, 2010 at 12:23pm
Hi Brandy,
Im just wondering how are you doing now?
Hows the regrowth coming along?


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