Hi all, I'm new to this group! Don't know why it has taken me so many years to join such a great supportive group! I am a 37 year old woman who has a gorgeous little 7 month old girl and I have lived with alopecia for 33 years and have recently found out about freedom wigs! I have booked my flights to Melbourne and will have a natural wig buy the end of this year just int tie for my daughter first birthday!
I'm extremely excited but also scared as it will be the first time I have ever sat in a hairdressing salon to get a haircut/styled soooo nervous as I want to make sure they do a good job and get the style I want! Funny how I have become so particular about this wig after so many years wearing cheap synthetic ones! But this one is going to make me have so much more confidence and higher self esteem! I can't wait

Views: 191

Comment by Tina on August 27, 2013 at 8:03am
Hi Rosy,
Thank you so much for your engouraging words! I had seen a picture of your beautiful daughter I the freedom wig website and I love the long brown one with the fringe that is the look I'm going for can u curl it even though its straight?
I am meeting with Angela next month and she has been so lovely and helpful, I'm also going to get feather look tattoos for my eyebrows so I can look (more normal) also
Very excited but scared to go to the hairdresser as it will be the first time I actually had this dream come true like most females with alopecia of getting a first ever haircut and styled!
Comment by Tina on August 28, 2013 at 3:13am
Hi again rosy,
Thankyou so much for letting me know about the difference in curl preferences, I think I will go for he movement one, what densities are there? So scared I'm going to choose the wrong one! Can't wait to meet Angela she is been so lovely!
Comment by Alliegator on August 28, 2013 at 1:07pm

I am so excited for you!! I may go that route one day, but I don't think I am ready yet due to the cost.

Comment by Tina on August 28, 2013 at 7:03pm
Hi rosy, thank you so much for all the information! Sorry to ask so many questions just excited/nervous/overwhelmed/scared all rolled into one
Comment by Tina on August 28, 2013 at 7:05pm
Hi Alligetor,
One of my dear friends had one and went and saw her yesterday and I was amazed how gorgeous it is! Totally worth the $$ and I have spend that in the last 2-3 years on synthetic wigs so I'm going to treat myself cause I have has alopecia for over 33 years and want to look special for my little girls 1st birthday!
Comment by Alliegator on September 3, 2013 at 5:55pm

I met someone from Freedom Wigs, and they were wearing one. I was also amazed! I thought, wow, that looks worth the money. However.... for me, it may not be worth it. One issue is that I get bored with hair easily. That's the best part about synthetic wigs for me. I can change it easily and affordably. If I ever got a Freedom Wig, it would be for special occasions only, more than likely. Another thing is that I don't know if I have the time/patience for the maintanence that it would require. I love that when I feel like my synthetic wig is worn out, I can toss it out. Those are also the reasons why I feel like I may not be ready. One day, perhaps!

Comment by Alliegator on September 11, 2013 at 2:49pm

Hi Rosy,
When I say change it, I meant completely and very often. I go from chin length hair to shoulder length hair. I go from bangs to no bangs. I also like to go from brown to red to blonde. I will even wear a different one on the weekends. I have heard that you can cut the hair on the Freedom Wig and style the hair differently. However, I like to be able to change from day to day. I love being able to wear blonde hair to work, and then brown hair on the weekends.


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