Hi everyone,

I know there's been talk of the GAPS diet on this site but I have not seen if anyone has actually trialled it (religiously) and found any benefits. Dr Natasha Campbell-Mcbride (the founder- authour of GAPS) explains why gluten free and dairy free is not enough to heal your gut completely. My daughter 2 &1/2, with gut issues and AA is currently on GF and dairy free diet (it's only been three weeks and although I've seen improvement in her poo no change yet in AA- I know it might still be too early to tell) but I am seriously considering putting her and I on the GAPS diet, I'm just a bit afraid as it is such a change in the way of eating and I know it will be hard to maintain? Any positive or negative comments/ or experiences with this diet would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Views: 1966

Comment by Jason on September 24, 2013 at 1:57pm

Hey Mayo,

Based on what I have read and researched, I think GAPS would be a great diet to implement for yourself and your daughter. It has very good healing benefits and it is not meant to be permanent. Another protocol to look into is, "Autoimmune paleo protocol"... if this is too restrictive, I believe eating a Paleo is one of the healthiest diets out there (when done right). It is expensive but I've noticed the health benefits in myself and my family. No significant results in AA YET! Key word, yet! Check out a company that I highly recommend -- The Synergy Company. I'm not promising that these products will help grow your daughters hair back but I definitely thin they will help promote better health. I have tried the green superfood and multivitamins for men and they are fantastic and top notch. I just ordered a few new products to try, I feel like they really help detox my body and based on my research, they are one of the best ones out there. I think the functional testing will help you find the root cause of your daughters illness specially because she is so young. It has to be a high level of toxicity i.e. parasites, yeast, bacteria and or heavy metals. Personally, I am going to run a heavy metals test soon because I had several vaccinations prior to the occurrence of my AA. I just submitted my adrenal stress test and will receive the results next week. I am just looking to detox using herbs and high quality supplements and maintain a healthy diet to get rid of the parasite that I told you about previously (vegetables, high quality meat, limiting fruit for now). I'm still trying to search for answers just like you are and I know how hard it is because you just want to know that you're on the right track but unfortunately hair growth takes time. I do really believe you're doing a world of good for your daughter and it makes me so happy that you're not accepting AA for what it is. It is difficult to treat your daughter since she is so young but answers will come for the both of us. I am learning to "accept" it for now but I am proactively seeking solutions through testing, diet, and supplements everyday. Hoping the holistic doctors will help us both seek the answers we are looking for. Hope this helps, may not be the exact answer you're looking for but I just felt the need to chime in because I think you're doing great.

Comment by michelle on September 24, 2013 at 10:11pm

I STRONGLY encourage you to discuss any major diet changes with a trusted paediatrician. I am a social worker in Paediatric diabetes. As it happens we had a discussion in our clinic today about gluten free diets.. Really the message is be careful of those that 'claim' that their diets cure AA. Without evidence based studies it is not reliable. Eating foods that are not processed will always impact quality of health. To date, there are NO proven diet plans that help regrowth in AA. FYI...I have AU:)

Comment by Jason on September 24, 2013 at 11:14pm

Diet may not grow back her hair but it is absolutely the best place to start and it is an essential piece to the puzzle... no doubt in my mind. Don't loose hope, loosing hair is not something to simply accept. We can temporarily come to terms with it but there IS a reason why it happened to every one of us. It is unique to that specific person but diet is always a great place to start because it helps the body rebalance and provides a better foundation to eliminate toxins.

Comment by Sofia on September 25, 2013 at 2:06am

Definitely consult a dietician and/or pediatrician and/or gastroenterologist on that one. I have read on speculation that AA and Celiac's disease may have some correlation (AA with other autoimmune diseases in general). I have had chronic abdominal pain episodes my whole life. Recently by recommendation of a friend and GI specialist I have been strict GF for the last few months for trial and significantly improved my GI health: no pain, regular bowel movements everyday without fiber supplements, improved mental clarity and decreased joint problems. In my case however, Celiac's was a very likely culprit. In my opinion unless your daughter has specific conditions diagnosed by an MD I wouldn't put her on a special diet without recommendation/consultation. This is her period to grow and proper nutrition is an absolute MUST to ensure proper growth and development. (I had nutritional deficiencies growing up and malabsorption and am 5" and 8" shorter than my sister and brother, respectively. We are all full grown).

Comment by Mayo on September 25, 2013 at 11:46pm
Hi Sofia, Jason and Michelle,

Thanks for your responses. My daughter has had many GI issues since birth. She's seen her paediatrician a multitude of times and we've also seen paed immunologist. She has no true allerges so she is written off by the immunologist. She has been cows milk protein intolerant since she was born and I know gluten was not her friend as I've only seen normal stools from her in the last 3 weeks since we've taken gluten out and she is a different child. Much happier, less sensitive and less complaints f tummy aches. I don't think there are many drs who would advocate for GAPs as firstly you need to be a GAPS practitioner and there's money involved.. Etc etc. a good fiend of mine has become MS free (it's been 7yrs now) and believes a lot of her recovery was due to her strict implementation of gaps. We are seeing a naturopath and getting guidance from him. I am following some principles from gaps (I.e. bone broths) but am still undecided in going full throttle..

For me the first thing. Need to o for my daughter is heal her GI system. I'm hoping that will help her AA but if it doesn't ill then start another quest.

Thanks for your responses guys. Good luck Jason.
Comment by Mayo on September 26, 2013 at 12:16am
You're such a good person Jason. Thank you so much for your response. I just looked at the synergy company and it looks great. I just need to see if they deliver to Australia. I've seen a couple of good companies here too with organic superfood supplements. I know there was some yeast/ candida in her blood sample so that's something I need to try and clear also. We're almost paleo except I think it'll be really hard to get rice and corn out of our diet. Keep me posted on your progress xx
Comment by Jason on September 26, 2013 at 8:29am

I definitely will. Try to cut out grains and corn for 4-6 weeks and see what happens, I wouldn't be surprised if her symptoms improve even more. Keep me posted as well.

Comment by Mayo on October 3, 2013 at 7:05am
Hey Jason. We saw the hormone specialist yesterday and to no surprise he told us to cut out ALL carbs (potato, rice, corn, gluten etc... You get the drift) so we are now on the GAPS/paleo diet. I have to be on it too to clear up my system if we have another child so the next child doesn't have the same problems (my second child- 11 months old is following suit of my 2&1/2 yr old so all 3 of us are on this diet. She had a blood test today to test for some other things as well.... Thyroid etc.

Wow I know we will get used to it but I am a slave to the kitchen at the moment. I am committed to do what it takes. The dr was happy to work with my naturopath ( he has worked with this naturopath before with other patients) so we go back to see him in 2 weeks with results of blood tests etc so ill keep you posted. What are some of your favourite easy to make snacks? Meals are fine, it's the snacks I'm finding difficult for the kids (I have downloaded a heap of paleo kindle books to help....certain,y have to be organised).

How are you going on your journey? Any success with getting rid of the bug?
Comment by Ashley on October 15, 2013 at 10:25pm
I visited a alternative medicine doctor he had me eating only fruits nuts meat and vegetables and sometimes a vegan snack an my hair is regrowing better in 3 weeks than any steroid injection I have ever had
Comment by Mayo on October 16, 2013 at 6:03am
Yes I am seeing some improvement with my daughter and its been 3 weeks.... It's great. The dr did say we would be challenged again when she goes through puberty but we'll deal with that if and when it happens. Very happy for you Ashley. That's great news


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