Gluten free and anti inflammatory diet journal

About 5 months ago I noticed what looked like a small knick in the back of my head...long story short, this was no knick! It progressed into a large patch, more patches appeared, i began losing facial hair, etc. After the first patch becam quarter sized, I saw a dermatologist and she said I had AA...i figured this prior to my visit because I had googled it! Lol, the power of the internet...I think i had more info about it than the doctor knew! Anyway, she gave me a sample of a topical cream and said the patch looked like it was done growing bigger and would regrow. WRONG! Obviously it didnt, and i knew from my research that there wasnt much I could do, as far as effective treatments go....I accepted it and eventually shaved my head since I could no longer hide it with a hat.

Long story short, I probably had a similair experience to all of ya'lls! I'm 32 and this is my first experience with my alopecia, needless to say...its rough coming to terms with lossing your hair in such a drastic way! Upon surfing the web for info i came across stories of gluten free diets and the notion that eliminating certain foods could help with regrowth. I also found this awesome site called "Alopecia World" may have heard of it?!? Here i found real support and a place to connect with others who know EXACTLY what i'm going through! Its a great thing! I also found people who are seeing results from G/F diets and anti inflammatory diets or just eleminating foods they are sensitive to. It just seemed to make sense to me.... It definately couldnt hurt to try!

I made up my mimd to fully make the switch and STICK to it, at least for 3 months to see if i could get results. (it seems to take 3-6 months before people get any type of results) I began with immediately eliminating caffeine from my diet about 4 weeks ago, since I was a heavy soda drinker. I replaced soda with water and now drink more juice when i crave soda or something with more flavor.nothing with sugar added...100% juices and only natural sweetners.

The following week I began to eliminate gluten from my diet and other anti- inflamatory foods. I may have slipped a bit, due to being uninformed and being confused about what was and wasnt ok to eat but I knew I was making HUGE strides in the right direction! I figured even if a few things slipped through, it still had to be an improvement and I had to crawl before I walk! It is a MAJOR change for me and easing into it seemed to make it less drastic.
I know that everyone has different sensetivities to different foods but I am not able to pay for these tests or for additional testing. I just decided to eliminate gluten, caffiene, dairy and red meats from my diet since these seemed to be the major pro-inflammatory foods.
It has been a month since I began this whole process and about 4 days ago i stopped shaving my head to see if I could notice any changes. To my surprise...regrowth! It seems that the majority of my bald spots are now covered with white or clear hairs. Mainly the last places that I lost hair are the ones growing back first, or so it seems. The original patch, which now covers 15% of my head is still bald but i now have some hope. I am excited but dont know if this is just coincidence or there is a connection to my dietary change?!? Surely it has to be from the diet??? I find it hard to believe that its sure coincidence! I def will continue with the diet change and hope for the best! I will add some pics later and keep ya'll posted! Any shared experiences, comments, suggestions, questioms are welcome! Please share your stories, as it helps others and yourself!

Views: 5289

Comment by Majal on November 2, 2012 at 1:33am

Hi Louis and Sandy! Reading this was so encouraging to me! I was wondering if you could let me know if the gluten free diet is still giving good results?

Comment by Sandy on November 2, 2012 at 3:36pm

Hi Majal, Yes I think the diet helps. My hair is slowly starting to fill end. it will take a year before I see any significant growth but at least the bald spot is not so obvious. Hopefully soon I can stop wearing the clip in hair extensions that are irritating my scalp. Try the diet, it has definitly made me feel healthier and in return my immune system is seemingly more stable. BTW: The gluten free sliced bread in the freezer section is good, but the frozen waffles are not. Best of luck.

Comment by Anisha on November 2, 2012 at 3:54pm

Steroid injections work just as well, and u don't have to give up anything.

Comment by Louis on November 2, 2012 at 6:16pm
Hey Majal, glad to see people are considering the my opinion, its worth a shot. Nothing to lose really and besides the possible alopecia treatnent, you will feel so much better and have so much more energy. I was surprised by rhe results I experienced! I am still on the diet and continue to see results. Almost all my hair has grown bacj except the original bald patch but it is slowly growing smaller as well. Yes, steroid shots work for some people but the body can develop an immunity to them and they will become un effective. At least that's what I've read from others who tried it. I have considered this option as well but I am financialy strapped at the moment and don't care for the idea of 30-40 shots a visit, every month. I've even read where peopke were received up to 100 shots per visit, ouch! Seems more sensible to treat the root of the pronlem rather than just treating the symptoms ....this is only my experience and my opinion! Alopecia is baffling and it seems everyone's case is different and what works for one person may not work for another . I hope this helps and good luck with whatever you decide tobtry!
Comment by Anisha on November 5, 2012 at 1:13pm

I'm not advocating steroid injections as your sole course of treatment, but as a supplement. I combine them with herbs and vitamins, topical medicine and steroids, anti-anxiety medication to control stress, and accupunture ... and I've managed to keep most of the hair that grew back as a result of immunosupressant therapy. I guess you can also call this the holistic approach... everything is on the table and worth trying. If changing your diet helps, then by all means, you should do it. One of my dermatologists/ Immunologists ( I have 4) suggested the Paleolithic diet, which sounds alot like the anti-immflamatory diet mentioned earlier. If you can handle it, then great ... it can only help. Unfortunately for me, I would rather die that give up those foods... giving up my hair was traumatic enough.

Comment by Louis on November 9, 2012 at 6:32pm
I understand, I struggle with the diet at times but try my best. I currently have no internet at my house or Id put some updated pics, I'm on my phone abd can't post them for some reason. I will try to post in my profile, hope everyone has as a good weekend!
Comment by JHen on January 18, 2013 at 3:27pm


My alopecia started just as yours did, a small patch on the side above my right ear. I was not worried and got it injected a few times, meanwhile more patches started sprouting all over the sides of my head. My derm and I decided to try a few more injectinos, along with Anthralin (irritant cream)as well as topical clobetasol. Before both of those two treatments I gave Minoxidil a try ( I should have read up on it more before jumping in) as soon as I started that I began to shed all over my entire scalp. I only used it for two weeks and had to quick from migraines and the hairloss was now severe. My doc did a biopsy and it came back as TE, which I must of started with the Minox. Well now today about 4 months later I have gained some thickness in my hair but still am covered with patches, along with loss of a majority of my facial hair, as well as eye brow thining. I have given up all medicines for now, only taking high doses of probiotics, and starting a gluten free, anti inflammatory diet as of this week. I would not be suprised if I have results, considering I have had digestive problems my entire life. Your story has given me new hope! Thanks for sharing, I will keep you up to date.

BTW. How is your growth as of now?

Best Regards,

Comment by Louis on January 19, 2013 at 11:05am
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Comment by Louis on January 19, 2013 at 11:27am
i cant get photos to upload in this blog but I posted on my profile...check em out! Yes, still seeing results but have been cheating these past few seems like progression has slowed a bit but never did i develop new patches. Even the area where it started (behind right ear, which is where many others began as well) has whit hair growth over it. its not as thick as it used to be and still thin in spots but if this is as good as it ever gets....I'm OKAY with it!Ive come to terms with it and would prefer to have a full head of thick hair like i Used to but ill be just fine if i have to shave it bald again. i walk around in public the way it is and nobody really pays it no mind and if they do....I just dont pay them none! hang in there and good luck with all
Comment by Rosanna on January 20, 2013 at 3:35pm

Hi Louis,

I have cut out diary and have experiences a big improvement but I will expand to cutting out other anti-inflammatory things. Thank you for sharing, Louis!

Thanks also for sharing Dr. Weil's link, Sandy!



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