Hello, my name is Laura! OK I don't have Alopecia but I do know what it's like to be judged for not having any hair. I suffer with bi polar and during one of my erratic episodes I shaved all my hair off. I had a lot of mean things said about me but I want you all to be proud of yourself.... in this video of me on youtube


It tells you all you should be proud of being bald.

Views: 6

Comment by Lisa-Lynn Marini on July 5, 2011 at 7:28pm
Hi laura,
You are not alone for shaving your hair all off because of bypolar, I have a friend who has done the exact same thing and I love her just the same, i'ts no way your fault by any means. Once she realized I had alopecia she decided to grow her hair back. But I knew she felt my pain just like I felt hers.
You'll pull through this and don't be ashamed for what you did, it's all part of mental illness and I for one know all about that, I suffer from PDSD and social anxiety illness, We are not all perfet in this world we are who we are but it doesn't make us bad people ,
God Bless you hun, you are not alone


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