ok quick question!! In order for my hair to grow back will it ALL fall out or will it start growing back before it falls out?? I found some new hair by my temple where they said was completely dead and my husband found some we think in the back!! Just wondering!!

Views: 27

Comment by Tallgirl on August 13, 2010 at 11:06am
My hair left in spots and came back at ages 10 (gone in spots)/11 (grown in), 15/20. That was AA. When it started leaving in my late 30s, it went to AT, AU, then back to AT. Now, just this week, I noticed arm and leg hair going. Who knows? Head hair mostly gone since about 1998.
Comment by whitney rose on August 14, 2010 at 1:17am
ive sortof just learnt to know that its completely random. i really dont think there is a method to it. and tracking when it will fall out or grow back is kindof impossible. i used to have aa, it was getiing worse, i shaved my head and wore scarves. when i stoped wearing scarves my patches of hair fell out. in the past couple months i have the randomest, tiny patch of hair on the top of my head that i have to shave once a week cause it grows so quickly and its black. ive sort of just gotten an hakuna matata approch to this whole thing. whatever happens, happens and i dont really have any control.
Comment by Marisa on August 21, 2010 at 11:56pm
Hakuna Matata...love it....


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