Has anybody ever bought a wig from Best Wig Outlet? I found a really cute human hair piece, Sepia - HB Prom, and it was a really really good price for Human hair. I am so leary about buying online. I have one now that I got thru an area salon. It is supposed to be human hair and it was rather pricy. To put it bluntly, I hate it. I haven't had it a year yet even and have only been able to wear it in a ponytail. It is supposed to be human hair, but it seems to "rat up" in the back just like some synthetics I have had have done. To say the least, I am dissapointed. I really like this one that I am seeing and part of me thinks that at $50.00 bucks, I won't be out a whole lot if I don't like, but still would like to know if anyone has any experience with this company. Thanks very much and have a great day.

Views: 26

Comment by Marie on January 15, 2010 at 7:59pm
Hi! The only human hair that I ever thought was worth anything -- that looked good, washed well, could be styled easily -- was over $1000.

I have not had experience with that company, but I've bought a couple of others online: 1) The cheapest human hair wig (by Beverly Johnson) was made of very coarse hair (it's the short black one I'm wearing in some of my online pics). It was fine hair for the short "Rhianna-esque" style, but the wig cap was not a mono top, which is typical of inexpensive wigs. I wear it now and then to have fun. 2) The other human hair wig cost $350.00 online and was terrible. It tangled so badly after the first time I washed it that I've never put it on again. It also was dry, brittle, and obviously over processed.

The wigs I've had the most fun with have been high quality synthetics. In my opinion, if one can beyond the need to have "real" hair on their head, that is the way to go.

Hope this helps.
Comment by Casee on January 16, 2010 at 7:36am
I just recently ordered a wig "you sexy thing" by forever young.....very very cheap and it is the most realistic one i've ever had.....its not wiggy looking on top and its really silky kanekleon hair...I love it....I just bought my second one.....its color TH12-26...like a light brown with sunkissed highlights....really pretty!!!
Comment by meg on January 17, 2010 at 9:17am
Wait!!! Tangles means you have not washed it properly or it is a combination of human hair and synthetic. With human hair wigs never scrunch them up like one would wash their own hair, put them in a sink full of water and shampoo and let sit or an then rinse with water and repeat soaking in the sink with conditioner and water. Rinse the wig and roll in a towel before drying. Generally its best to put the wig on while it is damp and style using a wide tooth comb before blow drying. ( hope this helps).

The best prices for human hair wigs that I have found is Paula Young... they are online and you can return them if you have all the tags for the full amount minus the original shipping and handling costs. Their human hair wigs need some tweaking if you have a small or petite sized head but they are pretty good for the price. Venture into their sale or discontinued section and purchase one of those before you purchase something over $100.00. In the past, I have gotten human hair wigs for as little as $39.00 and had to tweak them and have them cut by a stylist but they have lasted for 5 or more years with occasional use. Good Luck
Comment by Mary Sarra on January 19, 2010 at 8:17am
Thanks everyone for the input. I do think I am gonna go ahead and order this one. It is a human hair/synthetic mix. I figure if it doesn't work long term at least I will have something and not have to wear a hairpiece in a ponytail all the time. The one I have now cost $1300.00 and didn't work so well with me.

Meg, the tangles didn't come from washing it. It started tangling within a day of having it. Hadn't even washed it yet.
Comment by Cynthia Lee Watkins on January 19, 2010 at 12:16pm
Cheap human hair isn't the best....it's better to buy high quality synthetics.....and I think Beverly Johnson wigs (human and synthetic), are the worst! Best Wig Outlet carries very nice, high quality synthetic wigs. I would never guy a human hair/synthetic mix, because the care directions for human hair and synthetic hair are different....and you can't separate the two. Just an opinion from a long time wig wearer.


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