Oh, I HATE how this sadness and anger sneaks-up on me!! Is it PMS? Maybe? Is it normal? Maybe? Does it drive me INSANE .. You BET!! Because I have REALLY REALLY been trying to be happy! To Accept this! To be OKAY! But since Saturday night, it's not working out so well!! First I was pissy cause wearing my wig out all afternoon gave me a HUGE headache!! Then I wasn't comfortable enough to ride in my own car with nothing on my head ... You know, afraid to be JUDGED by complete strangers! Sunday I was just BORED!! and that's never good, cause then I just sit and think about it!! Yesterday maybe I was tired?? But the day just kept going down hill! First I got "caught" in my own backyard by one of my husband's co-workers without my wig on ... I had on a scarf...but I'm SURE he was wondering ... Where did her blond hair go??? Okay, guys can be dense...but not THAT dense! (No offense guys!!) So now I'm afraid of the chatter that I'm SURE is going on at the firehouse today!! Why should I care??? Maybe because now every time I show-up with a wig on...I'll feel like THEY KNOW! They know I'm hiding!! Then I feel like I'm lying..ya know! But I don't know if I'll EVER be able to go out in public without a wig...I admit! I am MUCH too vain!! Sad, huh!! Anyhoo, from there I took a shower and put on makeup ... Again!! I just felt like a clown! My makeup looked crazy with NO HAIR! Then, off to the license branch!! Not a fun place to be in the first place!! But I needed to change my address in order to VOTE today! So, after waiting WAY too long, I finally get to the counter and the woman with beautiful, thick, blond hair asks, "Anything new or changed since the last time you had your license renewed!!?? SHITTTTTTTTTTT!! Are you kidding me with that one!! Hahahaha! If you only knew!! My weight is no longer 125lbs, and for hair ... Just put N/A!!! At least my eyes are still blue!! But I just smile, and say NO!! Again, that lying thing!! Now it's time for my picture!! OMG!! How long can I possibly sit with a smile on my face ... Then OF COURSE the minute she takes the picture, no more smile!! She tells me it looks fine...Yeah right!! I look like a freak! Fake hair, no smile and too fat!! NICE! Thanks for ruining my day and charging me for it!! Then of course my kid and my husband want to see it!! Hubby laughs about the weight! And I just look at him and say "like it REALLY matters"!! You certainly don't go searching for my license to check how much I weigh at the scene of an accident ... So WHO cares!! I'll add he actually changed his weight LOWER by 30 lbs!! Where is the fairness in that!!?? By now my attitude is just TOAST!! I'm over it ALL!! Can I just order up a Xanax, a tall beer and call it a day!!?? But of course I can't it's only 4:00 in the afternoon!! Then a friend calls and we start to chit chat about my Director status with the company I work for ... OH JUST STICK the knife in me now!! See, I lost my Director status that I worked SO hard for!! Took me six months to earn and only TWO to lose!! I'm a little bitter...can you tell!! About now the kids AND my husband are hungry!! I felt like old Mother Hubbard cause my cupboards were completely bare!! Ended up having to have Hamburger Helper ... YUCK! But, you do what you have to until payday!! We were also out of milk ... Why this set me TOTALLY OFF, I'll never know!! But it did!! Hubby is pouting cause he thinks I'm mad at him!! and so it turns ugly!! WHY!! WHY can't he understand that some days, like yesterday, I've had ENOUGH!! I'd LOVE to have my hair back! I'd LOVE to have my Director status back! I'd LOVE to have spendable cash in my bank account!! I'd LOVE to not have to fix dinner! I'd LOVE to have my skinny body back! I'd LOVE to be ANYWHERE else but here in this moment!! So finally I tell him, I'm just in a BAD MOOD!! Let me have MY moment and deal with it!! So, I pop open a beer, eat dinner, grab a book, and eventually become semi-tolerable of my reality!!

Today is also my (our) 13th wedding anniversary!! and my husband is on-duty!! UGGG! Just me and the kids with NOTHING on tv tonight but election coverage!! I think I'll hit the liquor store around 6:01, order up McDonald's drive-thru and draw myself a HUGE bubble bath!!

Thanks for sticking with this!! Sorry it was so long :) I do feel better now that I got all of this off my chest!!

Views: 12

Comment by rj, Co-founder on November 4, 2008 at 3:58pm
"Every problem has a gift for you in its hands. You can choose to see the curse or the gift. Choose wisely." :-)
Comment by Celeste Edwards on November 4, 2008 at 4:28pm
Ahhhh!! RJ thanks for giving me a dose of my own medicine!! Sometimes I just get a little derailed!

Rosy, thanks for the encoragement!! You are right!! At least no one's reading about a crazed bald woman from Indiana that went on a rampage!!

Thanks Guys! I always know I can come here and feel INSTANTLY better :)
Comment by Celeste Edwards on November 4, 2008 at 4:35pm
Yes Neial,

If ONE good thing has come from this crazy hairloss it has been my reconnection with writing!! Funny, I think it's God's plan for me!! If I can EVER get organized, I'd like to write a book ...We'll see :) Thanks for your kind words.
Comment by tornade on November 4, 2008 at 5:35pm
glad u feel better afetr sharin' here in the blog !
and sorry you had to deal with all that in one day , well there is always good days and bad ones ! but i think you did well though ! i'm proud of you ! and of every one who can get through this ! it's not easy but it just a bad day , and it will pass !
Comment by Susan on November 4, 2008 at 7:08pm
I thought I had written this myself, I even had to read it to my husband. Just know that all of us have days like this hair or no hair........and they do pass. Personally, I think you are beautiful. Keep that head up.
Comment by Kathleen Smith on November 5, 2008 at 9:42am
Yes you definately had a bad day, which sounds like we all have had. I totally understand how you feel. All my life everyone (even perfect strangers) had commented on how beautiful my hair was. And when I started getting alopecia I was horrified. The one beautiful thing about me was gone. I felt so sorry for myself and why was this happening, I cried and cried and cried again. Then I realized something, the people that really loved me didn't care how I looked. My 8-year old granddaughter started crying one day while she was rubbing my hair and wondered if she could give me her hair. She told me I was the most beautiful grammie even without hair. So I decided to stop acting like I was dying. I put a smile on and bought wigs in every different color and style and everyone knows I wear them.... and they think it's great. About 3 months ago, my hair for some unknow reason started growing back.... really fast. Right now I am enjoying a nice full head of hair (its gray, but its hair), and I'm not sure how long it will be with me this time, but in a way I miss my wigs! lol I think having alopecia made me see how much the people that love me still love me. I know we will all have bad days, but we will have some extra great days too. I'm glad we are all hear to let you vent, sometimes its good to get those feelings out.
Comment by Lori M on November 20, 2008 at 3:09pm
OMG Celeste...LOL.....I luv your way with words.....I totally know how you feel......Today I had a pre-admission appointment for some surgery I will be having in a few weeks. The nasty nurse weighed me...Not only have I gained weight (since I have been home with my daughter) but I have shrunk in height too! What the!!!!!!! Sooooo now I feel like a short fat freak of a woman today......Not happy..not happy....not happy... It is so nice to see someone else having a crappy day as well. It makes you feel not so alone......Think I will go stuff my fat face and gain some more weight... Heck I may just pull out the old hoover and do a home lipo suction job!


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