There are a lot of things I thought were just my "issues" before coming onto this site. For instance, wearing unbearably hot, uncomfortable wigs in the middle of summer, sweating out from under them to maintain the anonymity the wig provides. Sometimes I find myself at the gym, doggedly tramping on the treadmill, my face tomato red and swollen, while the hair on my wig is "just so"... I mean, I look like a person flogging themselves at the gym and getting results--and that is the goal, right? But I'm basically wearing a sheath of plastic on my head, that doesn't breathe, doesn't allow sweat to escape, and is basically suffocating my scalp even as I'm pressing the rest of my body further and further. And I get resentful, sometimes, when I look at myself after a serious work out, because my head seems fake to me. I'm dripping sweat, I'm dehydrated, and the wig is still back in a tight pony tail, bouncing, totally disaffected by the state of my body. And because the sweat comes out from under it, my whole head is blazing and sweating and dripping--and the hair is perfect. Dry. Organized. But I keep wearing the wig to the gym. Because I like getting ready to go, and pulling my hair back into a tight pony-tail, and bobby pinning my bangs up out of my face. I like the "gym-ready" hair. It makes me feel active, it is like a costume, something that will motivate and encourage me. Forget about the fact that having 1/4" of plastic on your head basically negates the scalp's functionality in expressing heat. I look cute, at least I'm making an effort to go to the gym, and really, heat-exhaustion is for the meek and mild, right?

Views: 587

Comment by Gail on November 24, 2010 at 10:19am
What kind of wig do you wear? Mine are traditional cap synthetics and while they are undoubtedly hotter than real hair, I find I perspire not much more than I would otherwise. I wear wigs during my workouts and the nape and bang areas get sweaty just like real hair. There are some on here that would say Ditch the Wig, but if you prefer wigs over going bald, go for it. You won't catch me at the gym or on a run without a wig! I do plan on getting a short spiky wig expressly for hot workouts, to help reduce the heat factor and eliminate the need for clips to keep hair out of my face.

As far as hydration goes, most of us go around in a dehydrated state anyway, and if you exercise and perspire, it's very important to drink before during and after a workout, regardless of your wig status. On the treadmill, have a bottle of water or sport drink handy and take a swig every half mile or mile, depending on your intensity.

Bottom line: Do what you're comfortable with. Kudos for exercising and not letting alopecia curtail your fitness routine and care for your body/health.
Comment by Mary on November 24, 2010 at 10:39am
Virginia - I totally support women who are more comfortable wearing a wig, but I'm completely unable to wear them at any time, whether I'm exercising in the gym, dancing, hiking, or even just sitting in a room-temperature restaurant. I tried, and for all the reasons you describe, I just can't "take the heat". My solution - check out my photos. If a man loses his hair (or chooses to shave off a dwindling amount) he doesn't wear a heat-trap on his head. Why should we?

Comment by Virginia Olivera Manley on November 24, 2010 at 11:52am
I eschewed wigs for a very long time. MY hair fell out when I was six, and I didn't get a wig until I was 19, because I didn't want to pretend to be something I wasn't. I have a vacuum prosthesis now. And as much as I like it, I hate it also.
Comment by Mary on November 24, 2010 at 2:33pm
A woman showed me her vacuum prosthesis once (she was selling a top model and trying to interest me), and when she took it off, there was about a teaspoon of sweat in it. That was enough for me to know that they aren't for me!
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on November 24, 2010 at 3:25pm
I know I must be annoying going on and on about my blah blah blah bonded on hair system, but it really does "breath" and as someone whose body runs cold, I rather enjoy the extra warmth of a constantly covered head. I'm not sure how I would feel about a vacuum wig, I'm extremely claustrophic and just hearing about one makes me feel all confined, however, many people swear by them. To each his (or her) own!
Comment by Mary on November 24, 2010 at 4:44pm
I had a tank top made specifically to wear to the gym - it says "Yes, I'm bald...Get over it" on the front, and "No Hair, No Problem" on the back. And, I always wear earrings. ( ;-)
Comment by Petra on November 24, 2010 at 7:50pm
I stopped exercising in public because I just couldn't stand exercising with a wig on. Now I go to Yoga and Zumba classes with a bandana on. I'm at the point were I think the Heck with what other people think. I want to exercise and be comfortable, besides most people don't care.......and when they do ask I can educate them about alopecia.
I have also been thinking about getting a shirt.....maybe Welcome to my world!
Comment by Lee on November 24, 2010 at 11:23pm
Ive gone through this too. Im SERIOUSLY concidering just wearing a bandana! Its comfortable! I love working out at home bald too, it actually feels better than when I had hair. Wigs suck at the gym though...all of them ; /
Comment by Mary on November 25, 2010 at 1:35am
That's when tattooed brows come in handy. Whether I'm scuba diving or working out, I always had some brows, even when I don't have extra powder or pencil applied. Works well for me.
Comment by Tallgirl on November 25, 2010 at 11:16am
I wear synthetic wigs, which have air flow in summer heat...but I NEVER hang over heat. This fries synthetic fibers. If I were to go exercise. I would just wear a scarf and thus keep any sweat off my wig.


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