Hi all, just joined and so happy i found this site. Have you ever wondered what or where your life would be like if we had hair and not gone thru some changes to get to where we are today?

Views: 3

Comment by Amber W. on August 31, 2010 at 9:21pm
I have definitely wondered that at times. It really makes me think about who I am because of my hair loss. Thankfully, I like who I am because of what I've been through.
Comment by Babycakes101 on August 31, 2010 at 9:57pm
Hi Amber. Yea, I like who am also. And think i'm in a better place than i ever could be. I'm truly happy with and totally and honestly have accepted who i am. I had to do that before anyone else could. I myself like wearing wigs, that's just my preference. Don't know when or if i'll ever go with out it. Just me. But you look great. :-)
Comment by Tallgirl on September 1, 2010 at 12:29am
I would probably have still been in the honors classes in high school, and thus a "nerd," but I would have allowed myself to date waaaaayyyy more. Thus, I probably would have ended up in my home state (married) instead of travelling, all settled down and still associating with my best pals, whom I miss dearly. I would have probably developed my fine art career, seen more of my family, probably had Dad's help in purchasing a house. I would have made some better decisions socially with friends' and cousins' input. With all the ethnic cooking, I would have been much wider by this age...unless, of course, I allowed myself more active endeavors without fear of a wig falling off. Who is to know...
Comment by Babycakes101 on September 1, 2010 at 9:29pm
Hi Tallgirl, and how are you? Sounds like you missed out on alot. But trust in God, it's never to late for happiness. Time here on this place we call earth is so precious, let's stop wasting it and let's take advantage of what God wants us to have...HAPPINESS. It's not too late. :-)
Comment by Tallgirl on September 1, 2010 at 9:49pm
Instead of doing all that stuff in my home state, I moved to California. What I DIDN'T say was that here, I went to 9 more colleges; got a Master's Degree and 4 teaching credentials; travelled to Israel, Germany, Hungary, Austria and Mexico; and married, had kids and a grandchild. I saw more beautiful scenery and home towns, and had better weather. Illustration, art direction, fine art and graphics were all dream jobs out here, and I did get to win some awards at art shows. Also took bellydancing classes, grew organic garden, and got out onto an ocean to fish huge salmon. Saw giant redwoods, San Francisco, Mt. Tamalpais and many things I wouldn't have seen if I stayed in Michigan. As to happiness...I make more money now, and have had one of the most interesting summers ever. Having run away from my life in the Midwest turned out to bring other things to my life once in the West. (I picked this state as my own therapy!) But, I still miss my church camp friends, family and the fun we had together. It is very hard at this late stage of life to make as close of friends, but there are some out of neighborhoods, professional contacts, clubs and religious fellowships. Now single and an empty-nester, I just have to give every relationship my all to make it real.
Comment by Babycakes101 on September 2, 2010 at 7:35pm
WoW! Good to hear you had alot going for yourself. You've accomplished some great acheivements that takes alot of people a life time to do. Just keep God in your prayers and i'll do the same, and I truly beleive you will fine what you're looking for. God Bless.


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