I am a young looking 50 y.o. woman who was recently diagnosed with Alopecia. It all started around Thanksgiving time, while in TX visiting my daughter, when she was drying my hair. She said, "Mom you have a bald spot!" That small bald spot has gotten much bigger (probably the size of a half-dollar now) and I find my hair everywhere in the house. Now it seems like on the sides it is really thinning out and I'm scared to death that I will go totally bald. Any help, assurances, etc. would be very much appreciated.

Views: 13

Comment by Pamela Garrahan on June 6, 2009 at 12:13pm
Thank you for your reply and help, Heather. My doctor did not order any bloodwork and I didn't know that they could detect anything w/bloodwork. I do a topical steroid cream 2x/day. I'm just scared.
Comment by Heather L on June 6, 2009 at 12:45pm

The Blood work does not specifically detect anything specific to AA. BUT there are other condition that tend to correlate in some patients with AA. For example: hypo- thyroid, low iron levels, low levels of Vit D. etc. And if you were to have any of these and get them corrected it may really hair your hair! Some where I have a list of blood work my doc. recommends for all her AA patients- I'll find it and send it to you.
Comment by Pamela Garrahan on June 6, 2009 at 4:00pm
Hi, I do believe my Dr. has checked my thyroid levels, but I'll have to call them on Monday and see if they did or not. I believe I get enough Vitd. D and Iron
Comment by Pamela Garrahan on June 6, 2009 at 4:01pm
Have you heard of Rogaine for woman? I saw it at CVS, but I'm kind of reluctant to try it without Dr.'s orders


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