I remember sitting in my biology class in high school, front row(Being the teacher's pet I was, always busy taking notes) trying to impress my crush, my teacher, Mr.Suruj. I remember it like it was yesterday, because this was when I really became aware, that others had caught on to my Alopecia. I had my hair in a ponytail, with my ever growing bangs hanging at the side of my face. So there I was, looking studious as ever, with my eyes engrossed in my textbook reading about the Amebas and the Paramecium, when I noticed a girl staring at me. I then heard the girl turn to her friend and say to her, " The only hair that, that girl has is her bangs". Now people have often accused me of being paranoid, so in efforts of trying to feel better about myself, I turned to the right, to see if her gaze was directed at me...and sure enough it was. I felt mortified. I felt like she had taken a dagger from her book bag, and strategically placed it in my heart, and also alerted the world to look at me while she did so. After she completed her sentence, a few other girls started staring as well. That's when I really knew that I was actually losing my hair to the point of obviousness. I said nothing to her, because I was never a confrontational person, I merely smiled at her afterwards, because I've learned that when you are nice to your enemies, biblically speaking, it is as if you are heaping coals of fire upon their head. God never teaches us to recompense evil for evil, He only teaches us to love even if no love is being returned to us.

Views: 137

Comment by Elizabeth on September 21, 2011 at 4:39am
@Nicoleneuman24, I doubt that even if I turned to her and said something about my condition, she would be kind, because the fact that she could talk about me so loudly shows this...I've seen plenty of things concerning other health issues, and I would never ever even make a comment, because I don't want to be the one to add more scrutiny to someone else. If I see something different, all I'll do is go to google if I'm curious. I don't believe in Karma, but I do believe that God sees and knows all...and I do think that she may learn her lesson,( hopefully this sort of thing does not happen to her) in other ways... and I agree, hairloss is no joke....It's horrible. I'm overweight, and when people make comments about my weight, it's different, because I can control it, but I don't..(Put's cookies down...lol)
Comment by Elizabeth on September 21, 2011 at 4:45am
@BaldTan, Thanks for the compliment:) I really am shocked though about some people's reactions,I honestly feel like the best advice my mother gave me was this: "Treat others the way you would want to be treated". It's simple! I think I just came up with the solution for world peace! just kidding...But on a serious note, I do believe that we should try and imagine ourselves in someone else's shoes other than our own. I just feel like if you don't get it, or don't understand it, then just pray for me...That's all...
Comment by AJ on September 21, 2011 at 11:38am
ouch! people can say such heartless things. but you can count on one thing - i bet inside she is deeply insecure about herself if she feels the need to gain attention by putting other people down. you on the other hand, are beautiful, bright, intelligent, funny, and kind - and you've got a wise mother! i'd say you're better off than her, hands down.
Comment by Elizabeth on September 21, 2011 at 11:03pm
@AJ..Thanks:) and yes I do agree that she must have been very insecure, people usually highlight the flaws they see in others, just because they don't want to put the spotlight on their own flaws...My mother was very wise, I'm blessed to have had someone leave so many fingerprints on my heart...:)


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