OMG where do I start. I am a fifty four year old African America woman. All my life I have been under the impression that a woman’s hair is her glory. My hair lost started several years ago. I got a biopsy and found out I had alopecia but was in denial. I and have worn braids (extensions) for 17 years. Prior to that I had perms straight and curly. I have also worn wigs when I had bad hair days. The onset of my hair loss started with my scalp becoming tender and the hair in the crown of my head starting falling out after each braiding session (every three months) I noticed that the bald spot was getting larger and larger. Luckily the girl that did my braids was good and I was able to camouflage them. The thinning gradually move to the edges and it became more noticeable. Since the back of my hair was thick I researched the possibilities of getting hair transplant and was advised to see a dermatologist and get a biopsy. Remember I said I had done this several years ago so I had that sinking feeling that this was not going to be good. Needless to say, I was diagnosed yet again with cicatrical scarring alopecia. And the only way to stop that process was to stop getting my braids. I was not a stranger to wigs so I have been in every wig store within a fifty mile radius. I spend hours on line looking at wigs. I have not come to terms with shaving off my hair. I have had weaves glue and sew in. So, needless to say I am spending a ton of money on this. One of the bright spots in this process is that I am dating a man who is very loving, supportive and understanding. He thinks I am the best thing since sliced bread. Yea Eddie !!!!! I feel very fortunate and tell myself everyday that with all of the things that could be wrong this is not so bad. I must say I spend a lot of time convincing my self of this… I will start to believe this soon … I know I will. I am so glad to have found this site and will be sharing my feeling, thoughts and opinion on here. Thanks for listening and be blessed.
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