Ok so I have never posted a blog before on this website but I am seriously ticked! So there is a new modern version of Beauty and the Beast. I like this story because normally as a child I was always drawn to its message of inner beauty being what is important (big surprise). Well in this new version the man does not get hairy like a beast....wait for it...it looks like he has alopecia universalis with some lines drawn on his face...awesome! That really helps! What is the quintessential image of someone who is hideous to look at? Someone with out hair? Are you f---ing kidding me!!??? Oh my God I am f-in pissed!

OK, I'm done now

Views: 38

Comment by JeffreySF on April 12, 2011 at 8:35pm
Can you share a pic of this "Beast"?
Comment by Georgia Gardner on April 12, 2011 at 11:47pm
I have really mixed feeling about this. Firstly i thought thats crap! producers are responcible for making sure a show doesn't offend a group of people. You wouldn't have a "monster" that looked like a religious or cultural icon. exectuives, directors, script editors - it's their job to make the show inclusive, or at least non-offensive. I hate the idea of alopecia being seen as a symbol of ugliness or evil.

But at the same time, there are villians and monsters that look like they're in wheelchairs (Davros) or have prosthetic limbs (Darth Vader) or have extreme burn scaring or are blind -the list goes on - and i guess thats kind of similar. Even the original Beast - theres a medical condition which is kind of the opposite of alopecia, where the entire body is covered in thick hair. Is it a little hypersensitive of us to take this personally??
Sorry if i sound like a nerd - I'm a bit of a tv/film buff, especially sci-fi, and am really interested in working in the industry, so I think I'm taking this a bit personally. its a confusing thing. :/

got to say though - that is a beautiful makeup and prostetic job.
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on April 13, 2011 at 6:02am
Oh come on, how many people look like that on here? And I think he looks frickin' cool anyway!
Comment by Mallory Crowner on April 13, 2011 at 7:58am
I don't look at this picture and go "WOW! That guy has Alopecia Universalis just like me!" and I don't think that anyone walking down the street would associate my "condition" with the looks of this "beast". Unless of course I decide to tattoo my face and add scars to it like this. HAHA!! Try not to take offense. I know that can be hard, I got all defensive back when the OC was on TV and Marissa's mom said that "it's not okay to have a pony with Alopecia!", yes, I admit...I was an avid OC watcher. HAHA!! In my late 20's! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Find the humor in it...and the REAL message, as someone already said, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
Comment by R0BB on April 13, 2011 at 9:28am
Alrighty then .... lol

As Georgia explained, writers and producers of movies these days have to be careful not to offend certain groups if they intend on making a profit with their projects.

I'm reminded of the really old movie ( circa 1930's ? ) about the HunchBack of Notre Dame.
That creature was severely disfigured , bald and fit the movie theme to which it was intended.

I'm reminded of Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies, but that character was portrayed as comical also. ( Love him !! )

For some reason though , I dont think the tattoos on this beasts' face make sense and its the first thing that caught my eye as odd. I believe it might send a negative vibe towards the tattoo community which it does not rightly deserve.

- Jus sayin .

Comment by Fotini Constantina Spero on April 14, 2011 at 7:07am
I understand that there are all sorts of villains that have different disfigurements but the premise of the movie is based on, "what would people find absolutely repulsive, what would no woman find attractive". It has absolutely nothing to do with the reality of the way he looks it is the principle behind the transformation.
Comment by Jasmine on April 14, 2011 at 3:42pm
Well most of the "villians" these days are portrayed bald.But we have to admit that they are all strong,muscular and sexy.Take for example the bad guy in Mummy.I for one, think he is very very hot.The guy in Dan Browns "Lost symbol",tall ,covered in tattoos,bald and strong and Im sure if they make a movie of it he will surely look hot.So as long as they make the bald look bold and sexy..Who cares wether it is good or bad??


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