I'm a 14 year old freshman and I don't wear a wig at all.. I don't like it. So i just wear a scarf. Everyday I end up in the bathroom crying because of the mean people. I have other issues in my life and I'm becoming very depressed. I finally got a therapist but I'm thinking about being home schooled for a while just so I can get back on my feet. I just don't want to disappoint my friends. Any suggestions? Homeschool? Or not?

Views: 211

Comment by lauren on December 12, 2011 at 11:25pm

going through high school with alopecia is defiantly rough i went through my first two years without a wig and that was really hard i dreaded going to school everyday. I never had any trouble with the kids but i did with the teachers and security guards at my school. everyday they gave me issues. But I eventually got through it and now I'm at a place were I'm ok with my alopecia but its taken me my entire life to do that. If taking a break from public school is what you need because people are being stupid and mean then i would do that. It doesn't matter what other people say about you especially with the hair thing you have to get to a place were you can ignore them and thats the hard part because what they say does hurt but you can't let them get to you.

Comment by Tallgirl on December 13, 2011 at 8:25am

Try reporting the emotional abusers to the principal and school board to see if they take any action. Get your friends to educate others on alopecia (pass out info cards or sheets printed from www.naaf.org or a medical site.). If that doesn't stop the meanness, then be sure your parents get a certificated teacher program to oversee your homeschooling. True friends will still visit and call you, but you'll have to invite them over, too.

Comment by peachfuzz on December 14, 2011 at 4:45pm

I'm a sophomore in college, so I've been removed from high school for less than two years. It's enough time to have gained some perspective, but the memories are still fresh.

I lost my hair at the end of 10th grade and I didn't want a wig either. I know people expect school environments to be safe, but us students know that it rarely is. Bullying sucks, but it is so difficult to report and stop. I felt what you feel. I dreaded school and cried most days, and I could never let my guard down. But you know what? It made me that much stronger, and having no hair in college is sooooo much easier to deal with.

That being said, I have a lottttt of homeschooled friends who got into college with no trouble. The homeschooling community is a very tight-knit and welcoming one.

So to sum up if you think you can deal with high school and be stronger because of it, then go for it. But if you feel like you can't, or just don't want to do that to yourself, homeschooling is certainly a viable option. Don't worry about disappointing your friends; if they are truly your friends, they will accept whatever decision you make in this situation. It's great that you've sought out help, and you can begin to take control of your life.

"Timshel" - Hebrew for "thou mayest". You can choose, girl. You can choose.

Comment by Jasmine on December 17, 2011 at 10:11pm
Thank you every one so much! It's nice to know people are out there that feel as I do <3


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