Hope and a lot of anger are the new emotions that are running through me after I finally ditched the dermatologist I was seeing. He was very dismissive with regards to outside opinions or suggestions. He diagnosed me alopecia areata. He would not take a biopsy of my scalp to rule out any other possibilities. I endured his ignorance for a little over 3 months and with it more steroid injections to my face, neck and scalp than I care to remember. I made an appointment with a new Dr. this past week who looked over my medical records in great detail and actually took a biopsy of my scalp only to discover that I don't have alopecia areata, I have what's known as Telogen Effluvium, which is hair loss brought on by traumatic illness. What my previous doctor failed to take into account or just didn't care, I'm not sure which, is that since this past Dec. I have had surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, surgery to repair a tear in my knee, steroid injections in my spine to help combat a bulge between my vertebrae, pneumonia, the plueresy that sometimes follows pneumonia, the deaths of two close friends and the constant stress from my wife's first husband, and her three children. I have a renewed sense of hope regarding my hair loss, but at the same time I'm angry at having to endure the pain involved with the steroid shots and the hopeless feelings of knowing that there was no cure. I was spiraling into a depression that I don't think I could've found my way back from if it weren't for the friends that I found on this site. Thank you all for your support.

Views: 45

Comment by Jo Jo on June 12, 2013 at 7:04pm
I am glad to read that their is now some sense of relief - No matter how small.
Hang in there Michael and be strong but more importantly NEVER EVER loose hope. New information is being released on a daily basis for a multitude of different disorders so just know that although a condition is termed incurable today that it does not necessarily mean it is so in the near future, k. :)
Comment by michael on June 13, 2013 at 2:00am

Ive over come some pretty horrid things in my like, but none compare to this. Just today it rained so much that the streets were flooded. I went to make sure that my wife was ok. I was in such a hurry that I forgot my cap. I didn't realize it at first, but I could tell people were looking at me and I felt so horrible. My wife tried to distract me but I felt so horrible

Comment by Jo Jo on June 16, 2013 at 7:26pm
Don't. Do remember that there are plenty of others out there going through the same. I see many of them everyday at work. Don't allow it to take over all of your thoughts and relax. I know Michael that it won't be easy at first, but you must try.


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