It all started when i was 20 years old going to college everyday as any other student running for assignments, research papers and projects.Establishing and maintaining good work relationships is the key to a positive workplace and personal success- believing so i did participate in a lot of college activities which gave me a chance to be well known at my environment and have a wide personal network.

One day i noticed a bald spot on my head, it was not of a big deal back then, but in around 2 weeks it grow wider and wider and it was really noticeable. It looked so weird for everyone around me, it was very annoying to me when people start staring at my hair. I thought it was just something momentary that will be gone in few days ( i didn't really care except for the starring part). so i decided that until this is all over it is ok to change "my style" a little bit and start wearing a cap.

So i did it, i started wearing a cap to cover my bald spot. people kept asking me why i am wearing it everyday and i always kept answering different answers .... "it keeps my head warm".... " my hair is so messed up today"..... "it is way too cool :D " every time i just had something different to say.

My spot was not recovering, it was getting wider and wider by each day.

After one month before the beginning of my classes that day, an old man who was my bus driver asked me if i was ok? and mentioned that he notice that i was covering my head because i have partial baldness. He told me that he knows one hospital he knows that can easily treat such cases. He kept speaking about how specialized they are and a lot of other things that i didn't really care about!.. I thought it was fine (annoying but fine) and there is no need to make a big deal out of it and i kept telling myself that it will heal without any medical treatments. It didn't.

Another spot started appearing on the other side of my head and once again it was too small but getting wider and wider. I recalled the suggestion of that bus driver to go to a hospital. so i skipped a day at college and went there, and that was when everything started to get so messy.

It was on a very local side of my country, a very poor hospital in a place that was too hard to find (may be for me at least). Too many bald people there, aging from old to very young totally and partially bald as well as other people with different skin and hair diseases. The environment was really depressing i just waited and waited monitoring everyone around me. I also recall seeing that 3-4 years old totally bald kid. I felt too sad for her that i even for a moment forgot that i was coming for the same treatment may be, but i was not the same case of course :(

Finally with my name called by some nurse i entered the room. There i met a 27 years old blond lady. They called her "dr. Mai", she asked me to lower my head and she only looked for less than a second, she wrote on a paper and gave it to me and said "bring me these". It all only took around 30 seconds since i entered that room till i left!! I brought the treatment and came back. Using a huge needle she started injecting me in the head, it was painful.. really painful. After around injecting me 6 times in less than a minute, she stopped and said "please come back in 2 month" Regardless the pain and the headache i had back then i thought that this is finally over and i am never coming back again.

2 weeks later, nothing changed, me being depressed was getting worse. I decided that i won't wear a cap anymore, i took it off, people awkwardly starred at me and kept asking me why do i have bald spots?! and if it is treatable?! I had no answers to that, in fact i was not willing to discuss it. Days later i shaved my whole head, it made me feel better at least. once again i thought that this would be my new look at least until things change no idea how or treatment works (May be). It was ok for me to shave my head rather than having bald spots which makes me look bad!!

After 2 months of shaving my head almost every 2 days i had to go again for that painful treatment since my third and forth spots started appearing. this time she injected me 32 times and yes i do remember the exact number since i was counting each time trying to do anything else rather than focusing on the pain. I was shaking out of pain that she was even trying to help by talking about anything else. but again weeks later nothing changed.

To cut a long story short i had to go maybe around 4 or 5 times again and each time was more painful, the worst part was that i was not able to skip college so each time i had to go to attend classes after such painful treatment with a headache that is really annoying and painful. I was very stressed that i was trying to look for any solutions possible but not injections.

I started searching to be able to define my own disease when i read about alopecia i went again to "dr. Mai" may be she could confirm and she did!

Medically, it is mentioned that it is an auto immune disease and there is no medical prove of exact cause or treatment that works!!!!!Again i spent days and days reading and listing to people reviews about alopecia, most of them mentioned that it is not treatable at all and that you just have to accept it because it will never be gone... I was shocked, it felt really bad..i decided to stop treatment with no any other plan. It took me around 6 months of getting no better until i started accepting that this will just get worse and worse and i will never be non-bald again.

At some point i decided that i won't care if people stare at me i will just have inner peace and love for myself. I decided to work on my spiritual well being. I started meditation and i really enjoyed this, i had so much love for my self and my society which sometimes didn't make me feel so accepted because i look different but i insisted to prove to everyone that is not a big deal and this is just how i look like.

- I believe alopecia is a blessing, your immune system is really strong which may attack your hair but also it means your bod is protecting you from many other diseases-

Few months passed and all of a sudden i noticed that my hair is growing back, it was noticeable that cells were regenerating hair again. MY MEDITATION WORKED. Seriously talking to you this was never expected, No words to describe how the power of loving yourself can change your whole life. I am not saying this for inspiration but such a blessing experience taught me several things. It taught me that you may never judge people by how they look like, that just a look may hurt someone, that the power of loving and believing is priceless, that a blessing may not seem to be a blessing so thank god for whatever happens and later you may understand..

Finally that my hair is fully grown back, my message to you today is

1- accept alopecia

2- love yourself and others

3- don't think of yourself as a sick person because you are not ( you are blessed)

4- pray

5- meditate

6- no need for any medical treatments (unless you find it useful)

I know this was too detailed and too much to read but this is my life so i was telling every moment as much close as i lived it. Thank you be kind to one another

Views: 142

Comment by miss_melissad on February 23, 2016 at 11:39am
Hey! Great to hear that your meditation worked. I Too grew back my hair naturally. I used food and awareness of the areas of my life that caused me stress so I could minimize it. I learned so much about healing the gut to stabilize the immune system. Applied my new knowledge to myself and grew back my hair. Whenever I find myself in stressful life events or straying from my diet I find new patches but once I get back into the right mindset and eating habits they quickly fill in.
Comment by rshakiyla on February 23, 2016 at 2:29pm

I love this , your story sounds similar to my story, except the hair growing back. I was also about 20-21 when i started to get patches and then progressively i lost all of my hair. hopefully i also can learn some meditation and stress relief techniques so that maybe my hair can also grow back. 

Comment by peter albert on March 19, 2016 at 8:36pm
I just want to let you know that i never go on diet, not saying that it may not help hair regrowth but just telling about my personal experience.
again, accepting the way you look like and who you are really helps. So just stop thinking about it and start loving your self and do things that make you happy and relaxed. Wish you all the best and may god bless your lives. Thank you for your lovely comments


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