How I saved most of my hair when I had FFA

Jan of 2019 I noticed that my hairline was gradually moving backward.  I saw my Dermatologist in March and he started me on steroid shots, ear to ear about 6 weeks apart.  I had 3 sessions of the shots -he warned me that it could thin my skin ( my temple veins are evident now, but a small price to pay to try to save my hair).  During this period I researched online about FFA,  I found a study at the University of Warsaw that tried 3 different medications on 54 women ( divided into 3 groups).  The group that took Isotretinoin for 12-16 months had a 76% success rate in stopping the FFA progression.  My doctor
agreed to prescribe me the medication and follow me with the monthly lab tests to monitor my liver function etc.   

Every time I washed my hair the sink would be full of hair.  It was so distressing.  I bought 2 wigs in preparation of possibly not stopping my hair loss.   After 10 months my hair loss stopped but I continued
on the medication for the full 16 month of the study.  

The hair loss was very apparent when I pulled my hair back.  Fortunately my hair grows towards my face but every time the wind blew my hair  I would panic.  Every other week I  put a mixture of castor oil, coconut oil and rosemary oil along my hairline to protect against inflammation.

More than 4 years after my hair loss stopped and no new hair growth I purchased a red light panel on Amazon ($170).  I started using it for my face.  Very soon I started NOTICING NEW HAIR GROWTH!  It has been about 8 months since I started the red light and I have gotten about 75% hair regrowth.My husband also has gotten hair growth while using the panel.  I am no longer concerned about the wind.
Unfortunately my eyebrows did not grow back.  

I really wanted to share this miracle with all those that are suffering with FFA.  I wish I had tried red light 

in the beginning of my hair loss journey.

Views: 32

Comment by Abde on June 23, 2024 at 3:09am

thank you for sharing 

Comment by Abde on June 23, 2024 at 3:09am

thank you for sharing 


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