I have been struggling with Alopicia since the very early 80's. My mid 30's. I am convinced that my situation in due entirely due to stress.  We moved from Il to MN in 1981. My husband had a job, that was the rule before we moved.  Well, I'm not sure if it was even 6 months after the move that the place closed the doors. Here we were with two kids, no job and no money.  Going from 1500 per month to 0.

My husband went to work for a farmer.  900 a month and free rent.  Kids on reduced price meals at school.  Not by a long shot the lifestyle we were used to.  Along the way I got a job for $3.50/hr and he landed a job in Mpls driving home on weekends.  Less than a year later he landed a job 20 miles from home and that is when things started looking up.  

We were able to buy 80 acres farm, kids got off the free meals and we were back to normal. Hair started coming back and by 1987 I was out to wigs.  Now we sail along until 2010 when my mother died (a day after my birthday). I'm an only child and all the responsibilities landed on me.  Exactly 6 months later out came my hair.  So far, I don't think it's not going to re-appear.

Now that's all that water is over the dam, let's get to the exciting part. Quite my accident I was surfing the web looking for wigs and came across something called Freedom Wigs.  I made an inquiry and was put in touch with a person who distributes them.  Today I went and had my fitting. These are custom human hair wigs and, might I add, a few thousand dollars. But I figure the money I have spent over the years and the money will continue to spend justifies the price.  You can do anything in these wigs and they look awesome.  Nobody in the check out line is ever going to guess.

Now I'm not pushing this, but if I can be of help to someone one here, then that is what I'm after.

Views: 163

Comment by Kg1969 on October 12, 2016 at 4:22am
I have had a fitting for one they are amazing. I can't afford one there's just no way. Enjoy your freedom !!
Comment by Pamela on October 12, 2016 at 9:50am

I still haven't gotten it.  :(

Comment by Kg1969 on October 12, 2016 at 11:41am
What was the cost mine was going to be 4,000. I just can't do that with 7 children
Comment by Pamela on October 12, 2016 at 2:35pm

$4,000.  I'm hoping that insurance will pay for some of it.  Also the price depends on what length you want. 

Comment by Pamela on November 3, 2016 at 1:38pm

Update:  I still don't have the wig.  They take forrrrrreverrrrrrrrrrr.  It is being processed however.  So I'm thinking another couple of months.:(


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