Yup, sure did. Mine is Lupus based, but it still may work for most people. It has to do with the thyroid not processing Biotin and Iodine properly. Had to shave my head for a year, then in a few weeks after taking Biotin and Iodine, it all came back. Kelp is a safer source for Iodine than Potassium Iodide, which you can overdose on if you take too much too long. A few of the expensive mega vitamins in the health food stores also may have enough. You can take a lot of biotin over the normal percentage daily allowance and many formulas have something like 1200%. Try it if you are not allergic to iodine or shell fish. You can use a non-ammonia based hair dye to cover up the white patches, and they will eventually go away. If you try it and it works, comment and pass the word around. I am not a doctor but after a years research, I may have found the cure for alopecia areata!

Views: 2495

Comment by JeffreySF on September 25, 2013 at 2:04am

I've been taking Biotin 2500-5000 MCG for several years along with a multi vitamin with with 150 MG iodine(unknown base). Maybe the Kelp based Iodine will help. That said I do not have Lupus so who knows...
My regrowth hasn't really changed for several years...Can't hurt...might help...

Comment by Rob on September 28, 2013 at 11:35am

A woman on this website says hers is growing back after 17 years by taking an anti fungal and a probiotics formula. I found a product called Candex that is antifungal. Biotin and iodine worked for me with Lupus but if the cause is a fungus maybe this will help. A guy at church said that a guy he works with has had baldness for years and he rubbed Listerine the regular yellow formula on his head and his hair is growing back. Maybe it killed a fungus.

Comment by JeffreySF on September 28, 2013 at 11:49am
Still no change for me...


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