I went for my injections today. I should really be happy they work and not complain. And I should be proud of my self when the nurse says I am a pro/amazing. I wish I could tell her that on the outside I may seem tough but on the inside I feel lost/mad/angry/physical pain.... I come home and take a shower because maybe it will erase these feelings. I don't like these feelings, I don't want to feel angry at G-d and sad. I don't want my head to be sore for the rest of the night. I know Alopecia Areta/Alopecia is an emotional journey but sometimes it just gets to much. Thanks for letting me vent, I don't know what I would do without you all.

Views: 161

Comment by Mommito3 on April 19, 2012 at 1:49pm

My doctor suggested injections to me also..so they do work???

Comment by You can do it : ) on April 19, 2012 at 9:07pm

They have been working for about 9 years

Comment by Karli R. on April 20, 2012 at 1:07pm

If you do not want the injections, don't take them.

I have had AA for two years now and at first I got injections- and I guess they "worked." After months went by, I decided to start rejecting them (as I don't want a foreign substance like that in my body..). Last fall I began to lose more patches. But you know what? Those patches are growing back without the help of injections....

Just something to think about...
It is not worth being sad, especially because dermatologists really don't understand the emotional pain.. At the same time, I hope you are seeing a counselor- they can really help! But, this site is also a great help as well. :)

Comment by Theresa on April 20, 2012 at 1:47pm

With or without injections...the mental turmoil is ever present. When the dermatologist took a piece of my scalp for a biopsy I knew that was the last time they would be in my head. That was a double edged sword for me; physical and emotional pain...no thank you! To each his own. That roller coaster of emotions is so much worst than the needle though. I never got one shot and I know exactly how you feel. Keep you head up and shake those negative feelings...nothing good comes from them. It's a black hole that will suck the life out of you. Stay positive and get with ppl who love you and care about you. I listen to music that relaxes me and gives me strength to go on. As I am writing you, I am encouraging myself for at this moment I am in a mental war...thanks for your post.

Comment by PJ on April 21, 2012 at 8:38pm

Amen Theresa...Keep you head up to "You can do it"...God be with you.

Comment by Erika on April 24, 2012 at 12:11am

I just got my first round of shots today. He gave me seven. I did not know it could be sore so I guess I will know in the morning. Good luck with it and congrats it is working!!

Comment by You can do it : ) on April 25, 2012 at 11:03pm

I totally get that hence I don't use the cold spray or anything. Good for you that your not giving up

Comment by Bald and Fabulous AKA Terri on April 26, 2012 at 12:55pm

I do also remember the pain of injections. In fact there is times I have shadow pains, amost 2 yrs later, of what if felt like to receive them. The doctor and nurse was always comforting telling me how much of a pro I was at receiving them, but I remember all to well coming home and crying.

Comment by Jasmine Harrell on April 26, 2012 at 11:02pm

I too have been receiving injections on an doff for about two years. Sometimes it works, but I also went twelve yeasrs with no injections and the hair always grew back within a year. You have to do what is best for you. I am very emotional everytime I go. This is an emotional rollercoaster, but we weren't given thos for no reason. There is a purpose, although its hard to see when your scalp hiurts and hair is coming out.


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