Hello all,
I am a 27 yr old nursing student in my last yr of school for a bachelor degree which I thrived for my whole life...I just recently found a bald spot on the top of my head about the size of a silver dollar, than 2 weeks later found two more, one the size of a dime and another the size of a nickel..Although I am a nursing student I have never heard of alopecia areata, I know how bizarre..Anyway I am struggling to get through this disease and it has drained my ambition, and motivation right out of me. I had no idea what had happen to me once I discovered it, as I felt like I was in a dream. I feel like I wanna quit school, and just get things squared away with my health and sanity, but I dont think that is an option..I wanna just lay in my bed and cry everyday..My odd case is the fact that I have no family members that have ever had this nor do I have any auto immune disorders that would trigger this reaction so I feel lost...Is there anyone else out there that is around my age that has no known auto immune disorders and this just happened to them? Please I would love to hear from you..
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