Ok, today I just finished ten days straight with no day off, not including school on four out of those ten days! So, currently I am listening to SHOTS by LMFAO and 3 by Britney Spears, because tonight I'm going out!

Look out town, I'm coming out tonight, and I ain't holding back nothing!
This blog is different from the last ones because, I think I'm starting to go through a dry spell. I feel as if I can't produce any more blogs that are so descriptive like I could before. Before they rolled off my tongue like nothing! Now I am exhausted so that might be a reason, and I think I need inspiration so tonight will be perfect.

Actually you know what, I know this blog is so unorganized and random. But picture this right? Can you? And if you can't than you need to start doing this!

Your done with your day job. The night starts to slowly creep in. Your phone keeps vibrating of friends who are ready to go out and unwind, because everyone's got the feeling it's gonna be a good good night. Right?

I got some money, take a shower, slam a cold beer after you dry off. You look at your make up bag and decide which colors will go best with what your going to wear. Wait what are you going to wear? You pull out the jeans, the flashy uncomfortable top, try and find the heels that match. You rub your bald head and realize you need to pull out the Victoria Secret lotion.

You run to your phone because you can hear it ring, you crank up your stereo music. You start to get pumped because tonight is gonna be hot, your girls are calling you. Your boys wanna know what your doing, your girls ask to meet up an hour or two before hand. We all need to get ready to go out tonight.

The girls laugh about last time we went out, and how the boys did so many stupid things. Girls are looking good, boys are looking bored. Where are my earrings?

Buy a pack of smokes, because it's gonna be a long night.

What club are we going to go to? What bar are we gonna hit first? Who is picking me up, where are you gonna leave your car? Where are we gonna walk to?

The girls are antsy, the boys are trying to be cool. He calls me his shorty I call him my boy. We are all excited for who will match with who tonight, we wait for drama to unravel.

Smelling like a million bucks and looking like a billion. Car rolls up to each girls house, each one runs out to the drive way as the music blares out the windows.

We compliment each other on hot we all look. We all have our purses out looking for smokes, lip stick, perfume, deodorant, cell phones, passing back and forth different things, and of course money. Hey, girl I forgot my license we gotta swing back by my house ok?

All of us complain about school and working as your local waitress. We all complain about our terrible bosses, our parents, our bills, our boyfriends or girlfriends, our crappy cell phones, as we speed through traffic.

I roll down my window even though it's only 20 something degrees. Black Eye Peas song comes on I Gotta A Feelin, we all start to sing. I lay my head back and look out at the sky. The green lights, the stop signs, different colored cars, the fresh air, the smoke billowing out the car, the bass against my leg, the girls giggling as someone messes up a line, the different perfumes, we can't wait to destroy our livers tonight!

Heels will break. Dresses will tear. Purses will be lost. Keys will be taken away. Boys will laugh at us. Girls will be jealous of us. Hugs will be given to everyone. Our laughter will carry for miles.

We will escape tonight, and I can't wait. I can't wait to escape, I can't wait for tonight!

Don't you ever feel this way? When your out and your alive and you couldn't give a crap about anything in life! Who cares about bills, who cares you can't afford that big of a grocery list. Who cares if your failing school, if your car won't start, if your bald.

Who cares that the rest of the girls in the car have long beautiful hair! Hey if a cat fight breaks out, what you gonna do? You gonna pull my hair, oops I don't have any! You what I am saying?

Don't you love feeling ALIVE, and I mean ALIVE! I love Detroit, I love looking at the huge buildings, I love the people who live here, I love my friends, I love those silly boys, I love the shots I get, I love the night, I love tonight...

My friends on AW...

I hope you feel alive, I hope you love your life, I hope that when love is rough with you, your rough with love. I hope you drink, smoke, and eat unhealthy! I hope the next time you step out your door you pause for just a second and take a deep breath and enjoy it.

Screw hair, because tonight I'm gonna have a ball, no matter what!

And if your uncomfortable with the fact I'm a girl and I have no hair then I'm gonna make you kiss my bald head!

FEEL ALIVE BECAUSE YOU ARE ALIVE! SO FEEL IT! Man, if you could feel my energy, it would blow you away!


Views: 6

Comment by Ella on February 18, 2010 at 5:59pm
Love love LOVEthis blog!!

Thank you:)
Comment by Joy on February 18, 2010 at 7:02pm
wow friend...have a good one!!!!!
Comment by Tiffany P on February 18, 2010 at 7:48pm
I feel you i have times when everything just falls into place and you feel like your on top of the world. It feels like all the nerve endings in your body comes alive all at once, you scream and dance in a frenzy its an energy you cant hold in, and you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. There's nothing that could bring you down and all is right with the world because life is good, god is good woohoo what a feeling. (raising my beer) here's to you kid have a great night lol :o)
Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on February 18, 2010 at 8:00pm
Have fun, but try not to get so wasted that you forget you're alive, pass out, and wake up wishing you were dead! Sorry to be a Debbie Downer, but I've been there.
Comment by Tiffany P on February 18, 2010 at 8:02pm
lol dominique
Comment by Clara S. on February 21, 2010 at 7:50pm
Thanks for the positive vibes! Totally get you and am feeling pumped after reading your blog!


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