I'm struggling with Trichotillomania,
I don't mind wearing wigs, i'm used to it... but I'm so tired of having to shave my head.
I'm still a teenager, and people are very cruel about these things, Ripping off my wigs in public... I'm not ashamed that I'm bald, but I often find myself lying about my actual condition out of fear that they will think i'm crazy for pulling my own hair out...

I'm starting to feel that way myself, It's gotten so bad, I had to shave my head again this time, simply trying to stop myself before it got worse, I don't know if some of the bald spots I pulled will even grow back now, and I'm afraid that I'll never stop...

I need to break this habit, I've had it for too long.
It's really hard being a girl with no hair, But even harder knowing that you are inflicting it on yourself,
I feel bad because there are people out there who really have no choice with their hair, and if they had hair that would grow at all i'm sure they would never pull it out.

But I can't stop myself... I'm trying so hard,
I don't know what to do.

Views: 9

Comment by Ajithkumar on May 17, 2009 at 6:36am
Try hard. Be bold. The hair is only a part on the outward. It can control the looks. But it is all.
If you have enough hair, it is a decoration!
If you don't have hair, or you are destined to shave it all, please do it and appear in your bare SELF. You can be strong. You are bare and you are strong. Think about it and do what is convenient,
Don't care about what others say.l
people are different. If you accept this fact, you can face the world bare.
be bald and brave, you are beautiful.
Comment by Meghan on May 18, 2009 at 12:48am
Hey I have trichotillomania and alopecia areata!!!
I don't pull out any of the hair on my head... just my eyebrows and eyelashes. I have since I was very young.. iam now 23 and still do it.. it seems to have calmed down lately. I know what you are going through.. there are times when I would hate to look at myself in the mirror because I had no eyelashes and holes/half of an eyebrow. Each time I swore I would never do it again, but it has been the hardest thing in my life to control. I find I did it more when I studied for an exam, was stressed... or, hell, sometimes just watching TV or sleeping. It was worse for me when I was a teenager and in public school. but still gets me pretty bad sometimes. my eyebrows and eyelashes are taking longer to grow in now I find.. I think its just the damage from over the years.
I found wearing gloves sometimes worked. Also, if you have anxiety your doctor may be able to prescribe you some meds that would help with that/ the OCD part of trich.
You are a beautiful girl thou, everything happens for a reason.. and hopefully someday you will overcome it.
take care!
Comment by Laura Masters on May 18, 2009 at 7:27pm
Hang in honey. You are still the most beautiful girl of any I know.


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