Hello my name is Karrie, My boyfriends daughter is 11. She first had bouts with Alopecia at the age of 5. Last October she began losing her hair and lost it all by Christmas. We were all devastated. In the past she would only lose a patch here and there which could be covered by her beautiful long hair. We were forced to get her a flash, and then a full wig. We went with a European wig with real hair that cost us $1600. It was a custom wig, but when we went to pick it up it was too big!! They stiched it to help it fit but it just has never laid correctly on her head. She has very small features and a tiny head. Now that is it months later the hair is growing back but their is a strip around the middle that has had no new hair growth. This is where the wig is not mesh but latex. I wonder if this is coincidence or not. We would love to get her 2 new wigs. 1 that she can get in the pool and ocean with, not got completley under water, but also not worry if it gets a little wet, and one that looks natural for everyday use.

Does anyone have any suggestions? We really don't want to shave her head or have any piece permanently bonded to her head. We are still hopeful that her hair will grow back. This hair loss thing is very overwhelming. Thanks so much for your input.

Views: 71

Comment by Pat on May 12, 2012 at 9:17pm

Hi Karrie, about no regrowth in the area of the latex that would make no difference to any regrowth. I wear a thinskin base wig which is a very soft pliable plastic polymer and I have regrowth on the top of my head, so it wouldn't be an issue for your boyfriends daughter. The only way to keep a wig on in the water is to use glue or double sided tape, or a suction wig which will mean keeping her head shaved. As she's experiencing regrowth right now that may not be an option. She could wear a bandana or colourful bathing cap as an alternative if she's comfortable enough to do so. It's challenging for kids, well for all of us, but I particularly feel that children can get a rough ride with their peers. However it really depends on her attitude too and if she acts like it doesn't bother her that is half the battle won. Yes it can be overwhelming and particularly for parents as they want to be able to fix it, Children take their parents attitudes on board and if she sees you and her dad handle the situation calmly she will more than likely take her cue from that.It's such a shame that her first experience with a wig was not a good one...a well fitted wig makes all the difference. i hope you have better luck with the next one.As a small headed woman I know how difficult it is to get a wig that fits!

Comment by Karrie on May 15, 2012 at 10:26am
Thank you both so much. Her Mom and I have been researching so much and it always feels like everyone thinks their product is the best. I really want her to feel comfortable and pretty again. She won't be around anyone but us without her wig on and insists on keeping it a secret. We know kids at school tease her (her friend told us) but she says everything is fine. I suggested going to CAP events (Children with Alopecia) but she refuses. I would give her all my hair if I could. How can we get her to own the disease versus hiding from it?


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