I admitted to the world today that I have alopecia and I'm proud and WOW!!! What a response. Through this I have managed to get over 20 people to sign the online petition and i dont know how many but lots of people sent in donations! A friend of mine has also set up a photo shoot, as i am an ex model, to promote alopecia awareness and raise money for Alopecia UK....I feel free and I feel like even though it was only small, i still helped the cause and will continue to do so until we find a cure!!
I want you all to read this...it's the most sincere message you will ever see me write...I'm just sitting down now and I've got emotional and need to say a few things...
Today has been many things for me...scary, happy, liberating, accepting and many other things...I never thought that I would accept my alopecia, let alone post it on here. But today just felt right, I am so happy that I did it!! But I need to thank all of you. Your messages have been heart warming, supportive, loving and so so meaningful...today it was YOU that made me realise that no one sees me different because I'm bald, those of you who really know me can see that I'm still here, it's still me...Maybe thats something that I needed to realise to and YOU did that. I am so so grateful to everyone supporting me and I want to make a super special thank you to Jaydan Farrant. This amazing girl saw my post, read my explanation, and off her own back made a donation to Alopecia UK. Babe...that was the kindest thing anyone has ever done and i cannot say thank you enough.
I need to make you all aware that Alopecia has no cure. I'm going to start fundraising With Alopecia UK. There's been no research done which is why there's no cure. The government wont fund it because it's not a 'life threatening' disease. Well i beg to differ! Young girls have been reduced to nothing over this, having their self esteem and confidence shattered! It may not be life threatening but it is definately something that no one shouldhave to learn to live with! Its life altering.It needs to be looked into. I really do hope that even if i can help a tiny little bit, it will still make a difference. Below is the Alopecia UK site. Don't worry, I'm not asking for donations lol, all i ask is that you take 5 mins of your time to go through the site and learn a bit about it...we need to get the word out there or the funds wont happen, but if you did fancy making a donation it would be absolutely amazing. Have a look...
Also, as i said before, the government wont fund us because 1. Not enough people suffer with it and 2. it's aparently not life threatening. Explain that to a 15 year old girl going to secondary school that's getting bullied because she's bald or she wears a wig. Suicides have happened and i want to help that stop!! please please please can you sign our petition below and try to make them see that we really need their help.
Again thank you so so much for your support. I can't put into words what today has meant to me...today I have learned the true meaning of friendship. Love you all xxxx
Hi there...love what you are trying to do. I used to live in Wales, and I wanted to sign this petition, but I am not a citizen. There is alot more awareness about alopecia today than there was years ago. Thank you for having the courage to speak out. I pray for all those inflicted with this. We have to change the outcome of this disease.
Hi Emily, thank you. I'm not going to lie and say that I have fully accepted it myself yet, but I also dont want it to run my life. It was almost like I had taken back control xxx
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