I was this close (pretend you see my fingers)

Well I had decided that I was going to shave my head tonight and well it didnt happen. My hubby was supportive but now is questioning why I want to do it now. I still have some hair and he thinks it covers the big spots. I just want to feel whole again, I feel like with more than half of my hair gone that I'm lost and it sucks. I have worn my scarves for the past 3 days and feel completely comfortable in them so that isnt the problem. I guess I'm just having a bad night, ugh. Good night AW.

Views: 7

Comment by Dominique Cleopatra on August 29, 2010 at 9:49am
You don't have to shave your head just because "everybody else is doing it." I never did, just make sure it's what you really want to do, and if it is then go for it.
Comment by Lauren on August 29, 2010 at 10:06am
when i decided i wanted to shave my head i still had enough hair to cover, but i hated the way it looked and the way it made me feel. i went though a few failed attempts and wasnt even sure when i actually went to do it. afterwards i cried for the rest of the day bc it was so strange seeing myself like that. but when i woke up the next morning i felt great and knew i had made the right decision. i felt happier than i had since this whole thing started. anyway it really might not be the right thing for you to do, but i just wanted to let you know that its normal to feel unsure about it.
Comment by Mary on August 29, 2010 at 11:20am
You have to be ready...You can see photos on my page of the huge bald areas I had the night before I shaved. The next morning, I PLANNED to only have it cut to an inch or so by my hairdresser. But, when I asked my husband to cut off a chunk of my beloved white streak at the top of my forehead (I'd had that streak since I was 19), he cut really close to the scalp! So, the decision was made...we went together to the hairdresser, and he shaved it all off. I felt so much better! I felt like I had CONTROL again for the first time in many months. It was strange, but over time I got used to the new woman in the mirror. Good luck!
Comment by Julia S on August 30, 2010 at 9:04am
Well I decided that yesterday was the day. My husband was super supportive yesterday and we had some friends over so that really helped. I didnt even realize how many spots I had until we shaved it. I will upload pictures tonight so everyone can see. Thanks for the support, y'all are the best.
Comment by Mary on August 30, 2010 at 10:57am
Good for you!!! Join the AW Group called Sisterhood of Women Who Shaved Their Heads - it's a great bunch of ladies.


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