OK I havnt been on in a while. and miss all the beutifull people here. Im going to update since last summer..
Ok my last thing was trying to get my super white head tanned ...
welllll.. that didnt go so well.
I did get to learn about another thing simerler to Alopicia its an autoimune disorder called Vitiligo its were these big white blotches on the skin appeare. mine appeared when I was trying to get a tan.
Some of me was tanning beutifully but I had burnt spots hmmm and when the burnt spots got better my skin was whiter than ever! at the time I kept trying and trying to even out my skin tone by tanning. and it seemed to only make me whiter. the spots kept getting bigger.
And as for my head I didnt let my head burn haha. so now I have what I thought was grey hair! all I thought was its hair and I dont care if its grey. Grey hair meens you are wise. haha I am not wise im WHITE! lol yep all the so called grey hairs grew in a patch now I have 3 small patches of white hair! my babie hair was always white and turned brown as it grew. but instead of turning brown its not! my hair is about 2 inches long. but Im shaving it agian soon (after the super cold waether is gone)
It trys to peek from under my wig.anoying lol. I also got a knew wig for the first time in many years I am sporting Long hair. I still hate wearing wigs though I think im prettyfull in them. they make my head all itchy and scratchy.
I LOOOOVE hats these ones they are selling now at walmart the leoperd print and zebra prints they are super cute. and actually in style haha so im kinda stylish these days or so people think lol.
and big dangly earings too!

With a big purse lol.
I love it its fun. for the first time in many years or EVER I feel kinda normal and ok I have Alopicia world to thank for my recent happiness is because I know Im not the only one feeling diffrent you guys are the best and all my love to you all. Im not sorry Im balding anymore! Im COOL lol :-) I plan to try to have a little fun with my head. my Shiney WHITE head.

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