In desperate need of help and advice

Hello everyone.I'm 35 years old and since last summer have noticed that my hair is thinning on my right side.It started in the corner of my forehead and has got thinner down the side near my ear.I have no bald patches as such it is just noticably thinner than the other side.My doctor won't help me and says it's nothing.The hair that is growing on the thin side is coming through white and thinner.Can anybody tell me what this is?I'm worried sick.My doctor says it's not alopecia but i think it must be (of some kind).If it was alopecia would i be bald or have patches by now? I just don't know.Any help or advice would be so much appreciated.Many thanks,Nina x

Views: 7

Comment by JeffreySF on April 8, 2009 at 11:42pm
Get another Doctors opinion for starters.
I'm not sure exactly how much hairloss you have at this point. I know a cosmetic product that works wonders. Mind you it is cosmetic and not a cure. Check out www.xfusionhair/info

Comment by Jeff W on April 8, 2009 at 11:48pm
Nina, It's probably time to get another doctor's opinion. There could be any number of medical explanations for your hair loss. I think it would be well worth your while to find a doctor who will accept that you sense something is wrong and at least do some appropriate testing to determine if there is a problem. Unsual hair loss could be indicative of a thyroid or hormone imbalance for example. Unfortunately the current medical system is not always conducive to the best patient advocacy, so you need to be your own strongest advocate. If you sense something is wrong and your doctor "won't help you" find one that will. As you address this, don't forget to enjoy life at the same time! Worrying too much about things like this tends to not make them go away, but sometimes rest and relaxation does!

Best Wishes!
Comment by nina on April 9, 2009 at 10:11am
Thank you all for your kind advice x


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