I can't believe no one is talking about this so I had to post. Researchers at Columbia University have discovered the 8 genes where Alopecia lies. This is a huge step forward. These are a few links I have found.



Views: 2

Comment by Lisa F on July 2, 2010 at 12:59pm
This is really good news. I remember e-mailing Dr. Christiano years ago to find out if she saw patients. (She didn't.) My daughter who has alopecia also has Type 1 diabetes and 1 of my brothers has rheumatoid arthritis so it makes sense to me that the genes involved are similar. This is a positive step toward finding a cure although I think that the actual answers may still be years away.
Comment by Carol on July 2, 2010 at 3:46pm
Actually something about this was posted - an interview with Christiano in the video section. I've stopped getting excited at new research news years and years ago. Over 30 years of research and they're still no further ahead to finding a cure, let alone a true cause. Worry not about scientists finding treatments and cures but learn to love yourself for who you are with or without your hair - this is not only a cure for alopecians but for humanity itself!
Comment by Late K8 on July 2, 2010 at 8:47pm
Thanks Susan for your response, you put it so well. I don't mean to post this to get everybody's hopes up that a cure is right around the corner. But instead to celebrate this MAJOR breakthrough! I donated blood to the registry and like to think that my contribution along with thousands of others allowed these scientists to make a discovery that will effect future studies, treatments, and maybe someday a cure. I have been bald for over 10 years now and have come to accept this condition and am not looking for a cure. But the thing that I read that excited me the most was that they have an opportunity to develop a test to see if you have the carrier for alopecia and will be able to detect how bad it will get. I would love to know if my children were carriers and if so be able to prepare myself and them for the day they might lose their hair. I think this site should be celebrating this huge leap forward in understand!
Comment by lauren on July 4, 2010 at 6:12pm
wow that is pretty darn awsome and thanks for posting this up or else it propbably would of taken me forever to hear about it.


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